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Byulyi was infront of her computer doing work, like checking if the borders between North Korea and the South was Zombie free, they're trying their best for it not to reach the North. Because if it does, the whole world is gonna get infected since the North was the only ones having shared borders with other countries. This should only stay as an Epidemic and not a Pandemic. 

She checked in every serveillances near the border. Checked if the unit they set there on Border duty was fine and stuff like that. She then checked out the place they needed to check out in Bucheon, the state where it all started, and the state she was born in. They're going to have to infiltrate Wonmi dong soon, when all the other assigned tasks from the above are done.

Byulyi thinks there could be an answer for all of this in plantation 54 near her house. There was something her father told her a while ago as well. Something that she never really understood back then but now she does, she'll also have to go through her house for her father's work files. 

She went through all the states of South Korea using their satellite, getting herself knowledgeable with the places they needed to go to the end of this week. She felt useless the night they went to Jeonju, she had no idea where to go and she didnt want that to happen again. She sat there for hours, drawing a small imagery map in her notebook so she knows where to go. Studying it and making herself familiar with the next city which was, South side of Punggi-eup, a small city.

"Sergeant." A voice called out to her which seemed of a woman, she turned to look at the girl. "It's 5 past 1, I wanted to follow up about your reservation on the training grounds" Byulyi realized and quickly changed the user of the computer and stood up.

"Thank you." Byulyi said and she saluted. Byulyi sighed inwardly and put her beret properly before heading out to the training grounds. She was met with Yongsun who had a trainee uniform on, which Byulyi thought she looked ridiculously good in. Yongsun was sitting on one of the crates, softly kicking her legs in front of her. "Sorry to make you wait, i had work needed to finish up." She flinched at the sound of Byulyi's voice behind her. 

"It's okay."

"Alright, lets start from Assault rifles to LMGs then to SMGs" Yongsun looked confused and Byulyi sighed, "LMGs, Light Machine Guns. SMGs, Sub Machine Guns." Yongsun shook her head.

"I know what those are, i though you said we were doing an Obstacle course today.." Byulyi inwardly face palmed at her own stupidity, her mind was filled with thought about the upcoming mission as well as the fact that she'll have to pay a visit to her hometown sooner that she thought. "Byul?"

"It's Sergeant Moon." Yongsun apologized, "And, im sorry. It slipped out of my mind.. Anyways.." Byulyi walked her towards the obstacle course and explained everything that needed to be donw, she demonstrated it herself as well causing her uniform to have mud on it but she didnt care less. "Im going to time you, the fastest time anyone has done was 2 minutes, try getting less or 2 minutes. But if it reaches 3 minutes, i'll have to ask you to do it all over again, got it?" Yongsun nodded. "Ready? Go!"

Yongsun immediately ran towards the obstacles, climbing, jumping, crawling and so on. She got done and Byulyi pressed the timer to stop. "4 minutes." Yongsun frowned while breathing heavily, she was bending down, hands on her knees, "With this time, you'll be eaten by zombies." She continued and clicked her tongue as she shook her head. "Again."

She groaned and went back on the starting point, "Go!" Byulyi shouted and she went faster, pushing herself more this time, not wanting to have to do it again. Climbing, jumping, sliding, crawling and so on.. again. She finally reached the end, she sat herself on the ground trying to catch her breath. "Stand yourself up, Cadet!" Yongsun wiped her sweaty nose before doing what she said, she hates that she has no choice but to obey to her.

Byulyi looked at the stop watch. "Good, you made it a minute faster. 3 Minutes. Go again and see if you can do it for 2." Byulyi looked up from her stop watch to look at her, she was all muddy and her arms had scratches on them from the wires, she looked like she hadnt took a breath in years. "Maybe after a break?" Yongsun smiled.

"That'd be great." Byulyi rolled her eyes playfully as Yongsun sat herself down on the ground as the sun shined on her head. Byulyi stood closer to give her a little shade while she wrote a few points she observed from Yongsun's form and speed. "Thanks."

"No problem, you did well. I can tell you're working hard, i should be thanking you for that." Byulyi said sincerely, she drew something quickly on her notebook as the minutes passed by. "You must be thirsty, go drink water over there." She said and pointed with her pencil over to the water dispenser. Yongsun nodded and stood up to get some.

She came back with two cups of water in hand and gave one to Byulyi. "Thanks." She took the cup and drank, still looking at her notebook. She showed the book to Yongsun, it was a drawing of her body form when she crawled.

"Woah. You're pretty good at art."

"Heh, thanks. Anyways, I should really think you...." Byulyi explained what Yongsun needed to improve and Yongsun listened in everything she said carefully, noting it in her mind. "So, well rested? Why dont you give it another try?" Yongsun nodded and stood in a running posture at the starting. "Wait no, thats wrong." Byulyi said and Yongsun turned towards her. "Bend more. The more you bend your body while your running the lesser the gravitational pull, making you go faster. Keep that in mind." Yongsun nodded and did as she said, Byulyi smiled, "Go!"

Yongsun ran a lot faster now after what Byulyi advised her to do. She went through all of the obstacles with ease this time after taking to mind what Byulyi had said. As she was running she could hear Byulyi cheering for her in the background making her have more motivation, now.

"And that's time! 2 minutes and 28 seconds!" She shouted as Yongsun came back breathing heavily. "You were amazing!" Byulyi said subconsciously and cleared her throat embarrassingly afterwards and the girl chuckled. "Keep this up for two more tries. And we're done! That's in like less than 2 hours. We can actually start training for MGs today." Yongsun was contented at the same time groaned inwardly. 

Someone clapping could be heard from behind and Byulyi turned to see who it was, once she did she stood in attention and saluted, "That was amazing indeed." He said, Yongsun didnt saluted making Byul look at her with wide eyes and she understood later saluted to the man too. "At ease."

"Lieutenant. What are you doing here?" Byulyi asked.

"Just doing some rounds, i happen to see you guys training and i thought 'why not?'" He chuckled and looked at Yongsun, "This the girl you talked about? I see the general couldnt say no to you again."

"It comes with a price of course." Byulyi responded. 

"Im sure it does." He said, "Cadet Kim, Im First Lieutenant Xiumin, nice to meet you." He extended his hand for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you too, Sir." She shook his hand.

"Your in great hands i see." He looked over at Byulyi, "Im very expectant of you Cadet." He said and turned on his heels to continue his rounds. "See ya later Byul ah!" He waved his hands. 

"You know him?"

"Of course i do, he's my Lieutenant, whatchu on about?" She laughed at her own joke making Yongsun frown. "Yeah, he's my cousin." Yongsun's eyes widen.

"Ohh Thats why you looked similar.."

"Yeah yeah, Back to training?" Yongsun nodded and saluted at her playfully making Byulyi chuckle.

"Yes Ma'am!"

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