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"Team Leader!!!" 

This cant be happening.. Byulyi thought to herself, staring blankly at her bitten hand as everything she heard was muffled sounds of her name being called as well as gunshots, lots of them. Her head was spinning, her visions started to blur. She could feel her mouth biting thin air every second, she was losing herself but she tried her best to stay conscious, fighting back whatever that was now taking over her body.

"Byulyi!!" Yongsun shouted, bringing the girl's face closer to her own. Making Byulyi look at her face. "Byulyi, please. Please!!" She kept shouting. Hyejin didnt notice tears falling from her eyes. It hasnt been ten seconds yet, and when it is, her bestfriend is considered dead. 

"Yongsun get away!" Eric shouted. Yongsun's eyes widen as she noticed Byulyi's grey eyes turning back to black in a way. 

"That's it Byulyi! Please fight it!!" 

Byulyi had control over her conscious for a split second. She didnt know it herself, but it was by instinct; she reached her knife on her belt pocket and without another word she cut of her hand. Blood splattered everywhere, drops of it on Yongsuns face. The girl screamed her lungs out from the pain, she held her arm close to her chest and slowly counted to ten all over again in her head. Yongsun had her eyes wide, looking at the girl on her knees hugging her arm like her life depended on it. Her eyes flickered between the crying girl to her cut off arm now laying on the roof floor covered in blood as the sound of the helicopter propellers now nearing them.

"Protect them!" Hyejin shouted seeing what Byulyi had done. She shoved Erics hand that was holding the gun towards Byulyi. Eric nodded and continued helping them kill the rest of the zombies, it was a lot lesser now. "Yongsun! Get her out of here now!" She ordered and Yongsun snapped back into reality. 

"Byul, Byul please. You have to help me, you have to stand. Please!" Byulyi's uniform was filled with blood. Triggering more zombies to go up to the roof. Byulyi nodded her head, still dizzy from the tremendous amount of adrenaline that rushed her body in the split second. With the help of Yongsun, she stood up leaning her body on the girl. A couple of soldiers from the helicopter came out and helped Yongsun carry Byul in the helicopter. As they placed them down, they helped the rest of the team to shoot the coming zombies. 

Byulyi was still screaming, sitting on the floor of the helicopter with her back leaning on one of the seats. "aARgH- aAh-" Yongsun quickly took her belt off her waist and was about to tie it around her hand tightly to stop the bleeding. "No! D-dont!!" She said in between her screams.

"We have to stop the bleeding, Byul!" She shouted back, but Byulyi was way too much in pain that she couldnt think straight. She was acting on instinct. "Oh my god, Byulyi! Stop moving will you?!" Byulyi continued screaming, Yongsun looked at her moving around in pain. Without thinking, Yongsun kissed her.

Byulyi had her eyes widened, the sight of the girls face so close, touching her own. This was her first, she never thought she'd actually have to do this at a time like this. She never thought it would be in a moment where gunshots and a blood surrounded them. Not soon after she closed her eyes. Yongsun, tied her hand with ease as Byulyi was fully focused on her lips now rather than the pain she felt. The girl pulled it so it would be tightly tied, Byulyi flinched but still waiting frozen for Yongsun to part their lips. A few seconds later she did; Byulyi opened her eyes slowly. 

"W-what was that?!" She said, face red and her voice high pitched from embarrassment, slightly touching her mouth with her right hand. 

"To get you to shut up. Sorry, i didnt know what else to calm you." Yongsun's face was red too as she got off Byulyi's lap. 

"Ow.." Byulyi said as she narrowed her eyes at her arm. She looked out realizing that the others were still fighting. "Everyone retreat!!" She ordered. The two soldiers that came from the helicopter  got in first. 

"But Ma'am! We havent gotten anyone to interrogate yet!" Minhyuk shouted. 

"We've got Yongsun. That's enough! Fall back, Now!" Minhyuk clicked his tongue before entering the helicopter. Followed by the others as Eric decided to be the last to get in. As he stepped foot on the helicopter it immediately took off. Zombies jumped off the roof trying to reach the helicopter. 

"How.." Seulgi started, "How'd you know cutting it off would stop it?" She looked down at her blood dripping hand that was tightly wrapped with a uniform belt.

"I didnt. I just.. did it." Byulyi said truthfully, she didnt know what the answer to that question was. All she knew was she did that because she didnt want to be one of them. One of those human eating lil shits. "I didnt want to turn." She said and Seulgi nodded. Hyejin hugged her, she tried her best to contain her tears, Byulyi was her only family left anyways; losing her would be the end for the girl. 

"You had me all worried i'd have Eric kill you instead of me." She joked though tears were clear on her cheeks. "Thanks for staying alive Byul." Byulyi smiled as she sat herself straight. 

"Yong can you help me?" She said, moving her shoulders indicating she wanted her bloody jacket off. Yongsun nodded and took her jacket off carefully off her arms. "Wrap it around my hand. The blood is disgusting." Yongsun nodded again and did what she was asked. Byulyi bit her lip trying not to feel the pain from both her leg at her cut arm. Everyone else looked at her worriedly. They thought that she wouldnt be able to fight anymore now, everyone needs two hands for a successful mission. 

"Now what are we gonna do? We got Yongsun, that's a good thing. But, we came in hopes to get one of them to answer our questions. And what we get in the end is Byulyi losing her hand and almost turning and one of us dead." Minhyuk pointed out, "The loss is greater than what we've gained. We need information." Byulyi looked at him with furrowed brows. His expression didnt phase from her death glare.

"We've got Yongsun back, that's enough." Byulyi said.

"Yeah but she wasnt our responsibility." Minhyuk said and Hyejin nudged his arm for the stupid unnecessary statement. "She was yours. But because of her, we had to lose one of our men, your hand and the case to potentially find a meaning and sense to any of this shit happening to us. Remember you told everyone is going back to the base safe and sound?! What happened to that promise huh?!" Byulyi didnt say anything and waited for him to continue, "And.. that guy.. he came in hopes to find whoever was behind the death of his teammate. And we came back empty handed? Heck, Byulyi came back with no hand!"

"Thanks though." Byulyi spoke out, finally having her expression soften, "You knew Yongsun was my responsibility and still came with me. And, we might not have come empty handed." They looked at her in confusion, "When that guy realized Yongsun had betrayed him, he was ready to kill her by all costs. It only means, she knows something that could be of benefit to us. Right?" She looked over at Yongsun.

She nodded slowly, but she didnt know whether to tell them or not. Now that she learned the truth, it was a lot harder to understand where she came from than she had thought. She remembered everything the man said, the things she failed to consider at the moment.

Byulyi clapped her hand with her leg to gain attention, "His death wont be in vain then. Trust me Minhyuk, i wont let it." The others from the delta force were quiet the whole flight back to base doubting her words. Minhyuk had his brows furrowed, looking outside the helicopter, he had hoped that Byulyi would actually keep her promise this time.

Yongsun had her mouth closed, staring blankly at her knees as the man's voice replayed through her head. The military wasnt strong enough to stop this, at least thats what she's come to conclude from what the man said; not that she believes him, she just thinks that some part of it was true as she felt the feel of deja vu when he explained. Her memories didnt completely come back to her after all. 

Welp.. uhhhhh here lol, i guess you guys already guessed this was gonna happen. Hell nah am i letting Byulyi die; torture her here? Sure. (no hate to real Byulyi ofc-)

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