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"It's you again..."

"Dont think im happy to see you either." Byulyi said as she entered the room they put her in. Hyejin followed right behind Byulyi. "Yongsun, Do you know her?"

"I dont think we're on first name basis yet Sgt." 

Byulyi's lips twitch from annoyance "Miss Kim." She said with a deep voice, "Also, Its command sergeant to you. Sergeant is fine though."

"Military ranks or whatever the hell it is. I dont care." She said and shifted on the bed straightening herself. "Sup Hyejin, long time no see. Didnt know you enlisted in the Military." Hyejin waved her hand at her. 

"Considering your informality, you guys close?" Hyejin shook her head.

"We've only talked two times, but enough to be acquainted with one another." Byulyi nodded slowly.

"What am i doing here again?"

"Interrogation time." Byulyi said making Yongsun furrow her brows, "First of all, Where are you from?"

"All i have to do is answer truthfully right?" She took a deep breath as if telling herself to calm down. "Im from Yongsan-gu, Seoul." Byulyi held back a laughter. "What?" Yongsun asked vey annoyed making Byulyi finally letting out her laughter.

"You were named from your street??" She laughed and Hyejin chuckled and pat her shoulder to stop. "Sorry about that Kim."

"I didnt come here to be mad fun of." She flashed a cute pouty face that made Byulyi annoyed as hell for reasons she doesnt know either. Byulyi cleared her throat before asking another question.

"Then how the hell did you get all the way to Jeonju?" Byulyi asked with a raised brow. Hyejin looked as if she was interested to know as well since Seoul and Jeonju was almost on the opposite sides of the country.

"My Mom and I were on a train to Jeonju, three months ago." Byulyi tried to stop herself from laughing again. It was a serious situation but she couldnt help but laugh as if it felt like she was making it up. "Why are you being like that again? Im telling the truth!"

"Is this train to busan Part 2?" Hyejin chuckled finally understanding why Byulyi was laughing.

"No no, The second movie was Peninsula have you watched it yet it came out recently."

"No Hyejin why the hell would i have time to watch a zombie movie while being in a zombie apocalypse. What were you thinking?" They laughed, Yongsun was so confused at the whole exchange.

"Is all you gonna do ask me questions and laugh at everything i say?" Yongsun furrowed her eyebrows which came off cute to Hyejin but the exact opposite for Byulyi. 

"Nope, alright lets get down to business again." She nudged Hyejin, "Stop laughing!" Hyejin looked at her as if she was screaming 'I didnt do anything! That was you!'. "Okay Kim. How exactly did you survive the past three months?"

"The first few weeks Jeonju was Zombie Free. And.." She looked down at her hands, "i-i.. I dont remember.." She looked like she was thinking hard, "W-why cant i remember?!" Byulyi raised her brow and stood up as if she was done with everything.

"Great she has amnesia, so much for saving her life-"

"Byul, sit." Hyejin said in an order tone and Byulyi did just that. "What do you remember Yongsun? Tell us even a little detail."

"I remember... Being carried by.. Men that were armed with guns.. That's all. And the last thing i remember was seeing her face and fainting." Yongsun said truthfully of what she remembers.

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