~Chapter Sixteen~

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Tara's POV

I kept my distance from Veer. I know he was probably doing what he thought was best but I'm not going to lie and say it didn't hurt me.

But I can tell that he feels bad. He's been looking at me with guilt showing up in eyes. I try not to get sucked into them but I do. I know he realises the mistake he made but I'm able to let it all be in the past.

I was standing at my kitchen counter and Sara walks in with Aarav. He gives me a small smile and Sara comes up to me, giving me a side hug before whispering in my ear.

"Veer's outside and he wants to talk to you." She pulls away from my ear and grabs Aarav's hands.

She leaves in a hurry with Aarav and not ever a second later, Veer walks into the kitchen, giving me a small smile.

He clears his throat before speaking. "Can we talk?"

"Sure." I croak out, clearing my throat as well.

He sits down beside me and sighs loudly. He runs a hurried hand through his messy hair.

"I should've told you what happened. I didn't think you'd be happy to hear his name after what you told me about him. I guess, I pulled a shallow move and I'm really, really sorry about that."

I keep quiet at his words, waiting for him to complete everything he wants to tell me before I say something to him.

"When Kabir told me that he told you. I crumbled. I thought I was protecting you but I ended up hurting you. Saying sorry doesn't fix everything and I know that but I'm hoping you can forgive me."

"I forgive you." I blurt out. "I know I kind of went AWOL with how I handled everything."

He smiles graciously at me before putting his hand over mine, giving it a small squeeze.

"I'm glad we're able to fix this." I tell him honestly, intertwining our fingers together.

"So am I." He tells me, looking into my eyes before glancing away.


"And you my dear, are done." I put my highlight brush down and hold up the mirror for the little girl to get a look at herself. "What do you think?"

"It looks amazing." She gasps, jumping in her seat. "Can you please put some eyeliner on me?"

I pick up my eyeliner pen and look at the little girl's mother to get her permission. She nods her head and the little girl squeals in excitement, making me smile warmly.

"Try to keep still and this may tickle a bit." I warn her gently and start to carefully draw the wing on the corner of her eye.

Satisfied with my work, I hand her my mirror again and she smiles brightly, giving me a huge hug as well.

"You know what will look really good with your makeup?" I ask her and she shrugs her shoulder in question.

I open the small drawer at my vanity and pull out a small sparkly black bow. I clip it on the side of her hair and her mum quickly takes some pictures of her, smiling widely just like her daughter.

She gets off the chair and her mum passes me the money before thanking me. I wave at both of them, putting the cash in the register and heading towards my co-worker, Gina.

"That little girl looked so cute with her makeup, you did a great job."

"Thank you, thank you." I say like I just won an Oscar, making Gina and I cackle out loud for no reason.

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