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Season 1, Episode 13:  Sectionals

Ownership of Glee:  FOX, Ryan Murphy, Ian Brennan, Brad Falchuk

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So here's what you missed on Glee:

Violet is Rachel's sister, but they don't have the best relationship. Rachel feels threatened by Violet's talent.

(Rachel) "That was and will be your first and last performance as a lead vocalist."

Kurt came out as bisexual and has the biggest crush on Violet.

(Kurt) "I'm so into you Violet Berry."

Which is cool because Violet also has a crush on Kurt.

(Finn) "She's totally into you. You have no idea."

Rachel likes Finn, and Finn likes Rachel even though he's dating Quinn.

Quinn got pregnant, and everyone thinks Finn's the father, but it's actually Puck.

(Puck) "Finn's not the father! I am."

Mr. Shue found out that Terri isn't really pregnant, and that she was going to adopt Quinn's baby to pass off as their own.

(Will) "God, I feel like such an idiot."

And because Mr. Shue slept on a mattress, he can't go with New Directions to Sectionals.

(Will) "I'm disqualified from competition, not you guys."

And that's what you missed on Glee!

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Violet's P.O.V.

We were all gathered in the choir room, waiting for Mr. Shue to come in with the faculty member that's gonna take us to Sectionals. It kinda blows that he can't go with us, but we were all more worried about who would be his replacement for the competition.

"I bet we get stuck with Mr. Sinacori as our Sectionals advisor." Artie guesses.

Tina scrunches her nose up. "Oh, the creepy math teacher?"

Kurt nods. "He's always singing when he walks down the halls." I have to admit, he's right. And Mr. Sinacori does not have the best voice either.

Rachel walks over to us at the piano. "Hey, guys. Did any of you think it was weird the way that puck rushed to Quinn's aid during rehearsal yesterday?" She asks.

"No." Mercedes and I say simultaneously.

"I mean, he likes her. I mean, they're friends. We all know that." Artie answers.

Rachel sighs. "Yeah, but it seemed like more than that. I've never told you guys this before, but I'm a little psychic. I can't read minds or anything yet, but I do have a sixth sense. Something is definitely going on there." She says.

I paled. I hadn't told anyone that Puck was Quinn's baby daddy since he told me, but he told Mercedes a few days ago. She, in turn, told me, Kurt, Artie and Tina. I had to act shocked, which is a specialty of mine. I still can't believe it, though. Quinn's having Puck's baby.

Mercedes looks a little alarmed. "Uh, we... We got to go."

Rachel frowns. "We have to practice."

Kurt chuckles. "Oh, and we will, as soon as Mr. Schuester names a faculty advisor to replace him." I swear he's gonna kill me with his laugh.

"There's nothing to be scared of. I mean, it... It's not like Carrie or anything." Rachel says.

Speechless (Kurt Hummel x OC) Glee AUWhere stories live. Discover now