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Season 3, Episode 3:  Asian F

Ownership of Glee:  FOX, Ryan Murphy, Ian Brennan, Brad Falchuk

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There's a Booty Camp rehearsal on the auditorium stage.

Mercedes arrives late.

"You're late." Will comments.

Mercedes nods. "I know. I overslept."

Quinn looks confused. "It's 4:30 in the afternoon."

Mercedes nods. "My alarm clock went off 30 minutes late this morning. Kind of shifted my whole schedule. Anyway, what's Santana doing here?"

Santana smiles. "I've re-sworn my allegiance to the Glee Club, without telling Coach Sue."

Mike looks at Mercedes. "Mercedes, I'll catch you up. Five, six, seven. Five, six..." He and Mercedes begin to dance. Suddenly Mercedes runs over to the trash can.

Will looks concerned. "Mercedes, you okay?"

Mercedes shakes her head. "My stomach hurts. I think I'm gonna be sick."

Santana looks disgusted. "Why are you babying her? I mean, she can't do three steps without puking 'cause she ate at Quizno's before she showed up in this joint."

Mercedes groans. "Mr. Shue, you have us scheduled to the second right now. With school, Glee Club and Booty Camp, when else am I supposed to eat?"

"When the rest of us do." Santana remarks.

Mercedes rolls her eyes. "Oh, like you eat!"

Will sighs. "It's not about eating. It's about attitude. Sectionals are coming up, and if we don't give it our all..."

"I am doing my best." Mercedes says.

Will shakes his head. "No, you're not. It's not about doing your best anymore. It's about doing better."

Violet looks at Finn, who's still struggling with the choreography. "Here, Finn. I'll help you out."

= = =

Kurt smiles at Rachel and Violet while he's at his locker. "With only two days left for people to announce their candidacy, that leaves me and Brittany running in this race. Which is more like me running, and you know, Brittany just whimsically hopping and skipping nearby. No one takes her seriously."

Rachel smiles. "That's so amazing, Kurt. I mean, you can practically add the moniker of "President" to your curriculum vitae now. NYADA is gonna eat that up."

Violet frowns, hearing them talk bad about Brittany like that. It makes her reconsider voting for Kurt and consider voting for Brittany.

They pause and lean against the lockers.

Kurt looks at Violet. "According to the new Jacob Ben Israel straw poll - " He attempts to hand a campaign pin to a student, who refuses it. "Here, take one take one, take... Okay. Um, according to the soft numbers, I'm ahead by Brit by 11%."

Rachel looks surprised. "Really?"

Kurt nods. "This could be a cakewalk."

Rachel squeals and Brittana arrives.

Santana smirks. "Nice blouse, Hummel. Really brings out the color of your pink eye."

Brittany looks at Rachel. "So, I assume I can rely on your vote, Rachel."

Rachel smiles sadly. "I'm sorry, Brittany, but I've already pledged my fidelity to Kurt."

Brittany looks to Violet. "Can I count on your vote, Violet?" She asks.

Speechless (Kurt Hummel x OC) Glee AUWhere stories live. Discover now