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Season 3, Episode 5:  The First Time

Ownership of Glee:  FOX, Ryan Murphy, Ian Brennan, Brad Falchuk

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Violet and Kurt are hanging out in Violet's bedroom.

"Mmm. God, Roxy music makes me wanna build a time machine just so I can go back to the seventies and give Brian Ferry a high five." Violet says.

Kurt looks up. "Do you think I'm boring?"

"Are you crazy? You are the single most interesting kid in all of Ohio." Violet answers.

Kurt sighs. "I mean like, sexually. I mean, we are playing it very safe by not granting our hands visas to travel south of the equator."

Violet looks confused. "Well, I thought that's what we wanted."

Kurt nods. "It is. I'm just wondering, have you ever had the urge just to rip off each other's clothes and get dirty?"

Violet smiles. "Uh, yeah, but that's why they invented masturbation."

Kurt looks flushed. "So hot in this room, could we maybe open up a window?"

Violet looks at Kurt. "Hey, I'm serious. We're young, we're in high school, and yeah, we have urges, but whatever we do, I wanna make sure that you're comfortable. So I can be comfortable. And besides, tearing off all your clothes is sort of a tall order."

Kurt smiles. "Because of the layers?"

"Because of the layers." Violet says before kissing him gently.

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Rachel and Violet sing "A Boy Like That" in the auditorium.

[A Boy Like That by Rachel and Violet]

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Kurt sees Violet walking towards him at his locker. "If you see any of Rachel's campaign posters, feel free to tear them down."

Violet smiles. "Do you think we're too sheltered as artists? I'm serious. West Side Story is all about living outside of your safe little world, don't you wanna wake up every day and be adventurous? Experience everything in life you can?"

Kurt nods. "Of course. It's why I made a bucket list. Okay. You ready for this?"

Violet nods. "I'm ready."

Kurt smiles. "Alright, here we go. Number eighty-seven. Become CEO of Logo."

"Of course." Violet comments happily.

Kurt smiles. "Number sixty-three. Oh, lay a rose at the birthplace of Noel Coward. Okay, number five, alright, this one's really embarrassing, I wrote this before we started dating. Have relations on a dewey meadow of lilac with Taylor Lautner before he gets fat. Ugh. Yeah, I know, it's stupid, it's stupid."

Violet smiles. "No, it's not. It's hot."

Kurt blushes. "Well, anyway, we're young, so... we got all the time in the world to be adventurous."

"Don't you think now is the time to be adventurous? While we're still young?" Violet asks. She leaves Kurt alone to think over her words.

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Blaine is getting coffee with Sebastian Smythe.

"I can't believe you asked for a shot of cavasier in your coffee." Blaine says.

Sebastian smirks. "Forgot how lame this town is. When I lived in Paris, I drank it like it was mother's milk."

Blaine's eyes widen. "When you lived - okay. Wow."

Speechless (Kurt Hummel x OC) Glee AUWhere stories live. Discover now