The New Lars

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"For your consideration...The koala, a marsupial from the forests of Australia, and the sloth, hailing from the forests of South America. Who should be crowned the king of the "Hanging Around Doing Nothing" mammals!?" Steven asks dramatically.

"I think sloths eat poop." Sadie says.

"Gross." Lars comments.

"Well, that's definitely going to affect the rankings." Steven says.

"Eating poop would be better than this." Lars whispers.

"I told Steven that koalas were the laziest, but he won't stop asking until someone else gives another opinion." Isabella leans against the counter.

Sadie snickers, "Just, let him do his thing."

"So glad I don't have to deal with this tomorrow." Lars says.

"Oh, yeah, they're closing shop to get those gulls out of the vents. Any plans?" Sadie asks.



"Would you two... want to come by my place? I know it's kind of... been awhile, but we could get some food, watch some movies." Sadie suggests.

"Sure. You know what? I'll just spend the night tonight. What about you Lars?"

"Nah. Sounds boring. I'll see if Buck wants to do stuff."

"Well, I hope you guys have fun together."

"Yeah. We will."

Isabella and Lars don't even look at each other as Sadie remembers that Steven was still there.

"Hey, Steven? You're staring a little bit."

Steven was staring intently with widened eyes, whispering, "No, I'm not."


Steven and Lars exit the Big Donut, the latter locking the door.

"Hey, Lars? Why didn't you want to hang out with Sadie and my sister?" Steven asks.

"I see them at work. Why do I need to see them on my day off?" Lars grunts.

"But aren't you and my sister going to get married, and have kids, and name one of them after his uncle Steven?" Steven smiles.

"Oh, let me think... No! Me and Isabella aren't getting married. We aren't even dating. And if she thinks we are, that's her problem."

"You're lying! I know how you feel about Belle."

"You don't know what you're talking about, so butt out! Go annoy someone else! You little weirdo." Lars walks off.

"Why can't you just admit you love her?!" Steven shouts.


Steven is sleeping in his bed, tossing, turning, and mumbling, "Lars." he enters his dreamscape and sees Lars floating alone in the darkness, "Lars? You don't need to be such a jerk all the time. I wish I could just SHOW YOUUU-" Lars turns around and Steven unwillingly speeds up towards him, seemingly colliding into him, "Aah!"

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