The Return

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Steven slams his fist down on the surface of the fries counter, "Give me the-" he stops talking when Peedee gives him a bag of fry bits, "Oh, thanks!"

"Eh, I saw you guys coming." Peedee told him.

"Are you closing up all by yourself?" Isabella asks.

"Yeah, it's just me tonight." 

"Wow, that's a lot of responsibility for a kid your age. Your dad must really trust you." Greg says.

Peedee makes an annoyed face, "Don't patronize me, sir."

"See you, Peedee!" Steven waves goodbye as he, Isabella, and Greg walk towards the beach.

"So, like I was saying, Peridot's been shooting huge robonoids here from space." Isabella informed her father.

"And when you smash them, they explode into goo!" Steven adds, eating his fry bits.

"That sounds scary. You know, I'm not sure if... Do you ever feel like this Gem stuff is too much for you two?" Greg asks.

"What are you-"

A loud explosion noise makes Steven fall to the ground and drop his fry bits. Windows of local businesses shatter as well.

"What the hey was that?" Greg asks them.

"Look at that." Isabella points to something that was green in the sky.

"Is that... a hand?" Steven asks.

"Guys! Did you see that thing in the sky?" Isabella asks as she, Steven, and Greg run over to the Gems.

"It's a ship. We have to assume it's Peridot." Pearl told her.

"Lapis told us she'd be coming. With advanced weapons and reinforcements." Garnet says.

"It's happening..." Greg said with disbelief.

"I wanna see." Steven looks into the telescope and sees the giant green hand ship, "Woah."

"Ready the light cannons." Garnet orders.

Pearl pulls a switch and the Quartizine Trio appear from under the deck of the beach house. Amethyst pushes the fourth Laser Light Cannon into position near the door and window of the house.

"Steven, Isabella, light them up." Garnet told them.

Steven holds up a walkie talkie as Isabella counts down, "If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs."

The cannons activate and shoot beams into the sky towards the ship. The warship opens itself and blocks the crossed beam with its palm area before going back to its pointing position.

Garnet lifted up the telescope and looked through it, "No effect."

"What now?" Greg asks.

"We'll have to take them head on. The whole town might be in danger." Garnet told him.

Steven takes his phone out, "I better make a call. Time for some... political favors." he presses on Mayor Dewey's name.

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