Chapter Two: The start of a brand new opportunity

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Eryn was late.

Today was the day the alarm decided to run silent, once again another thing to screw her over. She rushed to dress herself, throwing on a wrinkled blouse and desperately sliding into a pair of heels; heels she despised but was the easiest to suddenly throw on. On her way out, Eryn checked herself in a mirror and saw a wreck standing in her place. Eryn wasn't trying to impress anyone anyway. What sat heavier on her mind was the fact that she would have to face Fury's wrath again for being late. She'll either get fired or worse, be pushed into babysitting the Abomination in the Barrow for the rest of her career.

She might have broken a few traffic laws; ran over a curb or three, painfully breaking at every red light, and most certainly not doing the speed limit, but Eryn made it. Now came the hard part. Rushing inside she felt eyes on her. Muttering under her breath, berating herself for being late, and subsequent shame for her appearance. It was too late now. She felt herself attempting to smooth out the material outside the area where her meeting was taking place. She felt the nerves built up as she carefully tried to sneak her way in. Casually she stood towards the end of the room immediately catching the attention of her boss. For a man with one eye, he had the vision of a hawk and it was painfully obvious her sneaking skills were subpar at best. He trailed out of focus from his talk, giving her a bit of annoyed look.

"Glad you decided to join us."

All attention went on her. Eryn tensed up. "M-My apologies sir." Heat tensed behind her face. Oh god, it was them. The Avengers. She screwed up an Avengers meeting. "This is Agent Hence, she's been assigned to assist and work on our next mission." Fury spoke.

Luckily the rest of the meeting went by fast and Eryn was able to catch up on everything thanks to Agent Romanov. The words came out cold and blunt, obvious that she had caught a fraction of fire from the Black Widow for being less than punctual to such an important meeting about "homeland security". Like it was just a mere child's game. Eryn understood very well if she were late again she'd probably would be getting a more colder interaction. Another thing to curse herself silently for.

She was ordered to guard the lab and assist Doctor Banner and Stark with their work if need be. They needed extra security.Eryn wasn't the happiest with getting a social job, but she couldn't protest. Eryn mostly sat and watched them, glazing over from the small quips and jabs the billionaire and former nuclear physicist shared. This was tiring. She was meant for more than just being some bump on the wall monitoring two of the most brilliant and dangerous men that were a part of the Initiative. She was better than this, she had powers, just like them! Even if they didnt work half the time. She should be actually doing something, actually be saving people, taking on the bad guys, and saving the day-

"Uh, hello, anyone in there?" Snapping fingers snatched Eryn from her daydream, back to Tony Stark, rudely trying to get her attention. "Hi yeah, I need the rest of the files like yesterday. Make it snappy, kid." He said, eyes going back to the holograms. "The other files all have classified information. I can't get them without higher clearance" Eryn said simply.

"Well I still need them. So here's what's going to happen. You're going to sit here and be one of Fury's lap dogs, and I'm going to do what I need to do. Sounds great? I thought so." Pompous air trailed behind the philanthropist as he made his way to the door. Eryn quickly brought an arm up to block him from going any further. "Mr. Stark, I'm authorized to not let you leave if you're going to potentially jeopardize our security and data-." Quick snips cut off Eryn. "Then I'm going to go use the bathroom then, how about that? You're not following me, besides, worry about the other guy, not me. Doctor Banner, can you babysit the first grader while I'm gone? If anyone asks, she gave me a hall pass." With that, Tony turned and went down the hall, by himself. What an ass! She failed her mission and had her ego cut down to size in a matter of a minute.

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