Chapter 6: Country Roads, Take Me Home.

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 At her parents

 The family farm wasn't the most ideal place for Eryn to find sanctuary, it was rather the only option. How could she sleep in her now bloodied apartment knowing it was now a crime scene. How could she sleep at all knowing some sick individual was out there with Mel's blood on their hands. The farm was her only safe haven, even if it meant prideful, parental eyes.

Shock was a small fraction of a word for the sight of their daughter. Bloodied cocktail dress and a duffel bag in hand. It was enough to turn her mother's skin ghostly. If it hadn't been for the news, they would have assumed she was up to no good.

 Her parents were more than willing to take her in. How could they not when they rarely got to see their daughter? She wasn't distancing herself on purpose to them, work kept her busy. Eryn herself found no need to really visit often. She wasn't too thrilled how they would unravel question after question about her day to day life.

 Today was no different.

 Once finally coaxing herself out of bed and to the breakfast table their questions greeted her. They were mostly involved with probing the details of her work. Her mother found most interest with her duties (though as mundane and belittling as they were) while her father always brought up the topic of her life.

 Their rounds grew more and more even before the first bite of her breakfast reached her mouth. "So tell me, what have you been working on? Anything of interest?" Her mother asked in a sickeningly sweet voice. "I was just positioned at the Avengers tower." Eryn began after swallowing. The bit of egg was accompanied by her own loathing. "Oh how exciting! The Avengers Tower? I can only imagine how that must be." Her eyes rolled. "Exciting. yeah. Sure." Her mother's own eyes narrowed at the rude gesture.

 "My love let her eat! God knows how often she gets to sit and eat." Her father chimed up from the entry of the kitchen. Eryn offered him a smile. "Papa, done so early?" Eryn's father was the owner of the farm. He was what kept it running the way it did. Eryn often wondered how he was able to keep it up the way he did. "How can I work when our Bambina has come to visit?" He took a seat next to her, plucking a piece of bacon off of her plate. "Ah, you talk of her eating yet you steal her food." Her mother scolded. "No worries Mama, I'm done anyway."

 As Eryn stood, a glare was shot. "Sit, finish. How are you to do your work with no meat on your bones." "I think I can manage." "But look at you! Any thinner and you'd disappear!"

"Eryn is fine Mama," her father assured, "You worry too much."

"Is it a crime to make sure my daughter is properly fed?"

"No Mama, relax."

"Don't tell me to relax!"

"Hey!" her shout brought the two back. "I'm fine, okay? Fine. Just fine. You guys don't need to fight."

 After a bit of silence, the air cleared of the tension her parents obtained. Her Mother spoke again, "How are your powers?" Eryn felt herself tense. Her eyes traveled down to her hands. Her silence displeased the woman. She swiftly took one of her hands, examining it.

 "Have you been practicing?"


"Are they still not working?"



 She pulled her hand away swiftly, receiving a shocked look from her mother. "They aren't, are they? I knew it." Her face twisted with unnamed grief. "We should have trained you more, developed them more. You'd be at your full potential! You'd be at a higher level!" Eryn's stomach dropped. "You're upsetting her dear." Her father chimed in again. "Upset? Her? Think of me! How upset I am! How we should be for this failure!"

The sound of glass breaking startled the three. It snapped Eryn to life, realizing she had broken the glass of juice sitting now in pieces on the island. A hand went to her mother's mouth in concern. Eryn's knuckles were sore and white, she hadn't realized they were clenched. "Eryn.." No one made a move. The sound of her phone saved her. She strode out of the room and out on the porch. She thanked whoever interrupted the unpleasant bombardings of her mother and answered as calmly as possible.

 It was her boss. Of all people. "Agent I hope you haven't gone A-wall on us." his voice held a threatening tone. "No sir, Not me." he continued swiftly, briefly going over an event with the Avengers. "You are aware of what's going on, correct?" "Yes sir." "Well then you know that Africa was a trainwreck. The team is headed for the safehouse." Africa? Fury continued, "You are to pick up supplies from the checkpoint given to you and bring it there. Think you can manage that?" "Yes sir." she answered, a bit dazed with the task. "Good, get on it then."

Boy was she excited to get away from the farm. 

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