Chapter 19: Love, Eryn

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Eryn found herself once again in the cozy bar, head spinning and chest still heavy with uncertainty. Tony had lost one of his precious drones and was persistent on tracking it down before they left for home. Eryn protested at first, then realized he wasn't going to listen to her anyway. Besides, another drink wouldn't hurt.

The bartender from earlier greeted her with a warm wave. "Hey, back for more?" Eryn hopped onto another stool at the bar. "Yup. Hope you're not sick of me." "Of course not! What can I get you doll?" Her voice was cheery and her eyes dazzled in the bar lights. "Something strong please." Madi gave her an apologetic smile as she pulled a shot glass from the bottom shelf. "Search gone dry?" She shook her head. "Oh no I found him."

"Then are we celebrating?" Mani poured a clear liquid and slid the glass forward. "Far from celebrating." Eryn stated before guzzling down the drink. Her face twisted and she coughed. Madi let out a small chuckle. "At least you found him." Eryn shrugged. "I don't think he wanted to be found. I kinda wish I hadn't." Mandi set a second glass on the bar and poured herself a drink. "I'm sorry love, was it bad?" "Not bad, just not good." "You wanna talk about it?"

"Nothing much to say. I fell for him, I thought he'd be there for me then he disappears for two years and insists he doesn't wanna come back. I was so hopeful that he'd return. God I wasted so much time, so much time wishing and hoping. And this is what I get?"

"Maybe he's just scared."

Eryn huffed and downed her second glass. "Did you tell him you wanted him back."

"I don't."

"You wouldn't have come to find him if that were true." Eryn sighs. "I don't think it would have changed anything. He probably would have still stayed."

"Yes but if you leave with things unsaid you'll never get closure."

Eryn blinked. Closure? Mandi continues. "Look, I think you should be honest about how you feel."

But how did she feel? Eryn tensed.

"I...I did...want him to come home. I wanted to be with him. I wanted him to care." she admitted. "You should tell him!" Eryn sighed. "I don't think I could." Eryn could barely process her feelings and thoughts, how could she express them? "Try writing them down. Then you'll know what you wanna say." Her eyes lit up. "OH! Write him a letter!" Eryb tilted her head.

"Think about it. It would be so dramatic. Send him a letter before you leave and then when he reads it he'll regret ever leaving." Eryn bit her bottom lip. "I dunno."

"Trust me, I'm a love guru. It''ll be so refreshing for you."

Eryn gave in. "Alright I'll give it a try."

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