Chapter 9: We don't base things off feelings, we base them off facts.

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Eryn had little knowledge of where he would be. In all honesty she had only one idea of where to go. The Avengers Tower. If he wasn't there, Tony would have to know. It was her only hope. She knew he was working there, and figured with the return of the Avengers, and defeat of Ultron. Bruce would be right back where he left off. She was certain of it.

 She practically ignored the lady at the front desk, only flashing her Id as she walked past to the elevator. She was met with no hassle. Her heart raced as the elevator rose. She wished it would move faster. She wished she was coming to see him about their date instead. How could she get tangled up in a situation like this? How could she get him tangled in her situation?

 Slight relief waved over her as the elevator doors opened. She hurried her way to the lab, in hopes he would be there. To her dismay, it was only Tony she would run into. Literally. Upon her entry she lightly bumped into the man who stopped her with an arm. "What's with the rush there sunshine?" "Where's Bruce?" Eryn peered around him, eyes darting all over the lab. "Uh, gone?"

"Gone where?"

 He crossed his arms and crooked an eyebrow at her. "I need to see him Stark, It's important." The urgency in her voice gave him a smirk. "I didn't know he was getting some, good for him." Eryn blinked. "What?" "You guys a thing?" Eryn was taken back. "Sure, where is he?" She didn't have time for Tony's antics. "You weren't told?" His expression mellowed. "Eryn's eyes narrowed. "Told what?"

"He kinda vanished." Eryn froze.


"During the mission the hulk got ahold of one of the helicrafts and took off. There hasn't been any word since. He could be anywhere right about now."

His expression softened as he watched her grow pale.

"So he really is gone..." In her chest there was an undeniable pressure.

"When is he gonna come back? He can't stay the Hulk forever right?"

Tony shrugged. "It's hard to say. When he changes back he'll probably find his way back." Eryn nodded.

 She returned home with a heavy heart. Bruce was missing. He could be missing for a while. But he wouldn't be gone forever. She held confidence in his return. Hell, it was even good he was gone and not having to deal with her mess. He was at least safe. For now. It was on her to clean up. He would return to nothing more than peace. She would be there with open arms and no crazed stalker after them. It was up to her.

 The next day started her new routine.

Get up



Go to Work

Do an errand

Go to the tower

Go home


 She never left time for her to be alone. She watched her surroundings carefully. She was constantly on edge. Constantly aware.

 Constantly Annoying Tony.

 "Y'know it could be a while, disappearing is kinda his thing." He told her from across the lab. Eryn had been visiting like clockwork for the past few weeks. "I wanna be here when he does come back." She stated, twirling herself in one of the labs wheely chairs. "Well what if he doesn't?" Eryn caught herself on one of the tables with a foot, stopping her spinning to give him a serious look. "He is coming back." She said as if it were law. He turned to her. "Okay hoodini, you don't know when, unless you have some other hidden power I don't know about." "I just have this feeling okay. Besides he's got plenty of reasons to. Like to continue with whatever he was doing here with you," Eryn gestured to the lab.

 "We don't base things off feelings, we base them off facts."

"Fact, this was his last known residence."

"Eryn, he doesnt stay in one place for too long, he could have a new residence anywhere in the world right now." His words quickened, showing obvious annoyance.

 Her shoulders dropped slowly, realizing he was right. She was questioning suddenly if he would ever return. "Even if there is a chance, I still wanna be here for him." She concluded. His head tilted with a look of puzzlement. He was really trying to figure her out. "So you really are a thing." "I'm not sure what we are. " She admitted. She fiddled with the hem of her jacket sleeve and went on, "We had a moment." "A what?" "A moment. We kissed." He was taken back. "You care about him?" "Of course I do! I wouldn't be here if I didn't."

 "Good, If you're gonna be here everyday you can at least help me with work."

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