Chapter 4: Sweet Beginnings

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There was a good number of people, more than she was expecting. Eryn wanted to leave the moment she entered. I should stick to my plan. A few drinks, say hello, and then I can leave. I'll stay an hour tops. I don't want to be rude, especially at an Avengers party. Tony had insisted that she would come, to reasons unknown to Eryn. She had been working in the tower for weeks now, upgrading from babysitting to helping with small things here and there in the lab, Thanks to Dr.Banner. He probably felt sorry for her, having to sit around all day, watching them do their own thing, and of course Tony and his antics. Eryn had to admit she appreciated him trying to keep her busy. Eryn didn't want to be rude, and accepted the invitation almost forced upon her by Stark. She was unsure as to why he had brought it up to her in the first place. Maybe it's his way of making some kinda peace.

 She began to make her way to the bar, deciding a drink would calm her nerves. There were a couple of other people there ordering drinks, Eryn recognized one of them as a coworker she worked alongside when it came to her previous mundane duties.Her coworker greeted her, asked her how her night was going, normal, polite banter. After the exchange the lady suggested the two catch up later, and returned to the party.Leaving Eryn alone, well almost.

 Upon leaving, Eryn noticed a familiar face at the bar. It was the coffee shop creep to her surprise.He noticed her. Damnit. With a smug smile, he made his way over, leaning against the bar like a damn idiot. "Hey there." He greeted. Eryn gave him a drawn smile. "Didn't think i'd be seeing you so soon." Eryn calmly snapped. "Guess it must be fate then, want a drink?" Eryn sneered, "Are you even old enough to drink" He nodded, "I'm 21." "Suuure you are." He ignored her jest and ordered two drinks, of which names Eryn couldn't pronounce. He seems like the type that would roofie a girl, Eryn joked to herself. She carefully watched him hand her the drink, her thought slightly scaring her. She took a sip. "So how about we get outta here and go back to my place?" Eryn almost spit out her drink. Could he not take a hint? "Why on earth would I do that?" He moved closer to her with a sleazy smirk. "This party is boring, I could show you a better time." Eryn huffed.

 "I'm certainly not that type of girl." Her eyes narrowed at him. "I can change that babe." He mumbled, trying to close the distance between them. Eryn tried her best to keep the distance. A hand on his suited chest in an attempt to keep him back. She was about to fall from her stool if she moved back any further. What was with this guy? Was he really that desperate? His smirk was still plastered on his face as he lent in to kiss her. Eryn turned her head to avoid his lips. A voice interrupted his further movements, and the smirk disappeared instantly.

   "Is this guy bothering you?" When the creep turned, the voice's owner was revealed. Bruce Banner.Relief filled her. Eryn was about to answer, but her words were stopped. "No, I'm not bothering her." "You were bothering me," Eryn chimed. The creep gave her a dirty glance.'But you were just leaving, right?" The creep huffed, "This is bullshit." Eryn glared. There was no way for him to win, he knew he would be in trouble if he tried to continue. Defeat plagued his features. It was so obviously stupid to pick a fight here, surrounded by superheros. It was fascinating to Eryn to watch him quiver up as Banner spoke."You should leave then." The creep bowed his head and quickly walked away, tail between his legs. It was enough to almost make her laugh.

 "Thank you." The two words jumbled through her flustered voice. Her words had been taken by her small sense of awe. "How did a nice girl like you wind up talking to a shady guy like that? " Eryn stiffened.Was that a flirt? She was probably just looking too deep into the phrase. "I'm not sure, he was just some creep; I ran into him at a coffee shop once and now I somehow ran into him here." She felt a bit flustered. "I keep better company than that." She added. "I would hope so." He flashed her a smile, earning a smile back from Eryn. "He wasn't really my type anyway." "What's your type then?" An embarrassed giggle escaped her. She felt like a schoolgirl."Wouldn't you like to know." "Maybe I do." Now it was obvious to her that he really was flirting. Bruce Banner was into her? Eryn Hence? Her of all people.

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