Chapter 7: Take the win Banner

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  Upon her arrival, Eryn was greeted by the doubt of the authenticity of the 'safehouse'. It was apparent by the cluttered lawn that the establishment housed children. On her way up she almost tripped on a soccer ball. She was grateful her graceful moment wasn't witnessed. A slur left her lips as she gave the thing a small kick out of the path leading to the house. Her doubts doubled the closer she urged.

 Her movements forward were paused as she reached the front steps. Her sight laid itself on Director Fury, lounging on a patio chair. "Sir? What are you doing here?" "I'm not here." Puzzled, Eryn continued up the steps. "Do not speak of my presence to anyone, that's an order." She mustered a nod. "The Team will be arriving shortly, I need you to stay here and continue with your favorite task." Her face twisted with annoyance. "Baby sitting, great."

"The Team went after Ultron and found he was a step ahead. He used one of the Maximoff twins to mess with them which ended up with the hulk going on rampage." Fury explained. The annoyance turned to obvious concern. "And they're headed here now?" "Were you listening agent? I said they were." "I was sir." Eryn fumbled. "I have the supplies ready to go."

"Start bringing it in," Fury stood and moved past her, a signal of departure, "Oh and say hi to Laura for me." Laura?

Time skip

"I had no idea Clint had a wife. I didn't even know he had a life outside SHIELD." Eryn was seated at the dining table in what appeared to be a quaint little kitchen; across from Laura Barton. Clint's wife. When Eryn had arrived Laura wasted no time with her hospitality and situated the awed brunette a seat and a glass of ice cold lemonade. "He doesn't seem like the family type, I mean kids? Barton? I don't know him too well but" Eryn finished her thought with a sip of the cold drink, thankful for the liquid easing the lump in her throat. "Clint had connections, We were meant to be secret, but it looks like things are a little different now." Her smile was pleasant and warm, It made Eryn feel welcome.

 "So Agent Hence, what brings you by? I know the team is headed here, are you on the same mission?" Eryn gave a sad headshake. "My orders were simply to bring supplies and babysit." "And you can just call me Eryn.' She added. "Ah so you'll be staying with us as well. That could be good for them right? Lift their spirits up a bit." "Hope you don't mind an extra guest." "Oh not at all! We don't however have a ton of room, some of you may need to bunk together." Eryn considered this for a moment. "I'd be happy to share, as long as it's not with Tony." 

Laura flashed a knowing grin. "I don't think Bruce would appreciate it if we put you with him." If Eryn had been sipping her lemonade in that moment she would have spit it out onto the table. How would she know his stance on something like that? Eryn's face gave away her shock, coaxing Laura to continue. "Clint tells me a lot of things, Avenger's gossip if you will. He seems to really like you. Maybe even a lot." Eryn snorted at the idea of Clint whispering whatever the latest scoop was into a cell like a teenage girl. What really took her back was his notice of Bruce. Did he really like her? Did he make it apparent? Did he tell anyone he liked her.

 Eryn suddenly felt as though she were the teenager. She felt almost excited, She was in the know, and it was awesome.

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