Chapter 5: To lose a life

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Life was sucked out of the room. The sight of the blonde girl was enough to invelop Eryn into despair. Her happy night was thrashed with terror. The cream carpet was soaked with red all around the girl's motionless body. In one swift movement she was there, on her knees, lifting Mel into her lap, blood staining Eryn's dress and skin. It was a nightmare, it had to be. This wasn't her dear friend. Her cheerful Mel was not the figure she held desperately. "Please...god no.."

 Mel's face was unrecognizable, pounded to a bloody pulp. Her Torso slashed open, pouring out red. There was so much blood. The pink gown barley grasping onto her body was ripped open, thin shoulder straps keeping the material in place on her back as Eryn held her. Sobs exploded from her, overflowing the room. Tears blinded her as she huffed for air between her turmoil. "Help! Somebody Help! Please! Mel...Oh my god Mel." Her grip tightened, knuckles almost locking up.

A neighbor peeked inside the apartment, seeing the bloody scene from the ajared door. She was immediately on the phone, calling 911. It was a middle aged woman who lived down the hall. She kept on the phone as another neighbor entered. He pulled Eryn off of Mel, offering her a hug. "It's gonna be okay, they'll get the bastard who did this." He whispered to her in a calming voice.

  All Eryn could process was that her best friend in all the world was gone.

"Are you sure there isn't anyone you can think of?"


"No ex boyfriends? No crazed stalkers?"

"Ex girlfriends, and no there isn't any that I can think of."

"Are you absolutely sure?"

"Mel was a fucking ray of sunshine. She had no enemies."

Eryn trembled on the steps of her apartment building, a police jacket draped over her. The officer questioning her was rather unsympathetic to her situation. Mel was dead. This guy was barely listening to anything she was saying.

 "There was a sign of strangulation, this death was personal. You have any beef with your roommate?" Rage filled her. "I loved her like a sister and you're asking me if I killed her? I was at a Tony Stark party, ask him if he saw me there." She spat. "Miss there's no need to get hostile-" "Bullshit! You're over here questioning me when you could be out there,' A finger shot out to the city before them, "Looking for that monster!" "You need to calm down. No one is accusing you of anything." His voice grew stern and his eyes glared at her. "I'm going to make a call, you don't move." He left her there.

 Ery tore her phone out of the wretched purse she had been carrying, a dozen missed calls flashing out at her. It was from a number she did not recognize. After dialing the number, a voice Eryn could not stand to hear shot out at her. "Oh good, you learned how to answer. Did you consume one too many juice boxes tonight?" It was Tony. Of all the times he could tease her. "No Tony, not tonight, You're not doing this tonight. Something really bad happened." Eryn's voice trembled. "Yeah I know, big scary robot guy crashed my after party, fun right? I need you to go fetch a few things, we're offline here."

"Fetch them yourself."

"I'm sorry what-"

"I told you, not tonight Tony."

She hung up aputly, tears stinging her eyes. Work could wait, it had to. Even if she were to lose her job right then and there. Tony Stark could wait, The Avengers could wait. She needed tonight. She needed to wake up.


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