Chapter 18: You're an Avenger kid

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The silence in the car was heavy. Tony was cross, it was quite obvious. Their whole trip was a waste.

And yet she wasn't sorry.

Oh no Eryn was far from sorry.

"You just had to get all angsty." Tony spoke, his tone hinting his agitation. Eryns fingers twiddled with the end of her braid. Her eyes were once again glued to the world passing by as the car drove along the icy road. Night was appearing above, darkening her view. So many emotions were burning in her chest. "How could he just give up like that?" she uttered. "That's what he does, I tried to tell you."

"What I don't understand," he began, "Is why you're also running away." Eryn shrugged. "If that's what you wanna call it." "You know he would have listened to you. I was expecting some heartfelt plea, some declaration of love, some sappy nonsense." "Tony I could have whipped out all my best Shakespeare and he still wouldn't have wanted to come back." Eryn noted. "Why didn't you at least try?"

"Because he wanted to stay Tony."

"Maybe he wanted a reason to come back."

"Maybe nothing we could have said would have changed his mind."

Her heart hurt. Eryn wanted so heavily to not care. She wanted to be done. Done with unreliable men. Done with the whole situation. Done with Bruce. He obviously didn't care about her, why should she care about him? The man was a coward. Plain and simple. It was time Eryn stopped pretending she was too.

What if another threat comes? What if there are more bad guys? What's the world gonna do without the Avengers? With no one to stand up for it

Who did they have? Cap was gone. There was no team. Tony would be too stubborn to ever quit; The world still had Iron man. Eryn assumed Widow would be on call as well. But would they be enough? What were they to do if danger did arise?

The cycle ends when we stop fighting

Had she stopped fighting? Without SHIELD Eryn was practically a husk. There was no one to tell her what to do. No longing for anything better. All she had longed for was Bruce. Eryn never thought of what she wanted other than him. Now, what did she want?



"Is it too late?"

"Too late for what?"

"To join your stupid club."

He stared at her and considered her question for an everlasting moment. "You saying you wanna be an Avenger?" "No." The title, she felt, would be too heavy for her. "But I can't just sit here. I can't give up like he has."

"You think you're ready?"

"Honestly, no."

He gave her a signature smile.

"You're an Avenger kid."

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