Chapter 16: Eryn, I found him!

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After arriving at the compound Tony wasted no time in his antics. He led her to a series of holograms that were decorated by news reports and video footage. "Um, what's all this?"

"I think I found him."

Eryn quirked an eyebrow up and plopped down in an armchair. "Found who?"

"What do you mean who?"


He touched the screen, making one of the windows grow larger. Eryn skimmed over the headline. "I'm confused."

"Did they turn your brain into mush? I found Bruce."

When her expression did not change he tilted his head in confusion.

"Why aren't you jumping for joy?"

She answered him bluntly "I dont care." "What do you mean you dont care?" "This whole thing wouldn't have happened if he was here, I just don't care anymore Tony.

"We're not playing the blame game.You got thrown in the looney bin cuz of Ross. You're here now; so we're gonna put on our big girl pants and find Bruce." Eryn let out a breathy sigh. "You can find him, but I'm telling you I really don't care." Her chest felt heavy again. All Eryn wanted was to lay down and forget about the month and a half that she lost. "For months you were coming to see if he came back, now I'm telling you he for real might be and you don't care?" She nodded.

Tony took a seat in the chair next to her with a sigh. "You're upset. Sleep on it a bit. I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow to go look for him, I think it'd be in your best interest to come with me."

"I'll think about it okay."

 And she did.

Eryn was given a room being that the compound was the safest place for her. If Ross found out she was gone he'd be after her again. That being said Eryn wasn't sure if going to Canada was a good idea for her at all. Tony's jet could secure her safety more, but did she want to go?

Eryn tossed and turned the whole night. Her chest still felt heavy, but the thought of finally seeing him again wouldn't let her rest. Finally, when morning light peered through the window, Eryn realized what she had to do.

 And so, she went.


Eryn spent the day wandering into public places asking if anyone had seen Bruce. Many of the strangers were pleasant but were unable to give her the information she needed. Her feet were killing her and her face was numb from the cold. Tony had gone to search the woods nearby the town with his new drones, leaving Eryn to see what she could find on her own.

 Eryn decided after asking around a grocery store she deserved a break. There was a nearby bar and she was dying for a stress reliever. It was warm inside and vaguely empty; apart from a few men watching a hockey game at the bar. Eryn hopped up on the stool at the other end from them and was greeted with a friendly smile by the bartender. She was a pretty girl with copper hair and gemstone eyes. Her voice was smooth as silk.

"What can I get for you Darling?" She queried with a grin, throwing a rag over her shoulder.

 "Anything, I just need something to throw the edge off." confessed Eryn. The girl nodded and retrieved a glass from a shelf. She poured an amber liquid and set it on a coaster in front of Eryn. The girl leant against the bar and watched Eryn down the glass. "Ooo a girl that can handle her scotch, how uncommon." She cooed. Eryn winced and wiped her mouth with her sleeve. "Is that what that was?" The girl nodded. "I'll take another." Her glass was filled again.

" Girl with past?"

"I guess you can say that."

"You running from something?"

"No, I'm trying to find someone," Eryn explained, "It's just been a bunch of dead ends."

"Well maybe I can help you, I see a lot of faces."

Eryn slid her phone out and opened her gallery to the image Tony sent her of Bruce to help with their search. She turned it around to show the girl. The girl studied it for a moment. "Hmm can't say that I have, but he does look familiar." Eryn returned her phone to her pocket and downed the glass again. "Is he an old boyfriend?" Eryn paused. "It's complicated. I'm not sure what we are." The girl gave her an understanding smile. "Hope you figure it out."

 Some rowdy men entered the bar; the girl turned to grab some mugs. "Hey it was nice talking to you....I don't know your name."


"Nice to meet you Eryn, I'm Mandi."

The noise the men created grew louder and she huffed. "Drinks are on me okay, I gotta go take care of these bloaks. I hope you find your guy." With that she rushed off to pour the men their beer. Eryn took that as a sign to take her leave.

 After stepping outside her phone went off. She pulled it out once more and answered to hear a frantic Tony.

"Eryn, I found him!"


Her heart started to race


"There's this cabin deep in the woods that's supposed to be abandoned, right?"

"Um, Right?"


"Wrong! There's someone staying there. Some lumberjack is renting out for some guy who came a couple of months ago, recognized the picture. It's Bruce."

Thump Thump.



"Ah, that's great Tony. You found him."

"Where are you right now?"

"In town."

"I'm sending you an address, get your butt over here right now, the lumberjack agreed to give us a ride up there."

The line was cut and a message appeared on her phone.

Eryn froze.

Bruce was here.

Tony found him.

She was going to see him.

She wanted to pass out.

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