Chapter 11: Tony, Is he coming back?

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"I didn't want to die."

"I know."

"He was going to kill me sir."

"I know."

"I didn't want to hurt him, I just wanted it to be over."

"Agent you need to calm down."

"How am I supposed to calm down when there's blood on my hands now?"

The director's voice went silent.

Eryn passed the length of the kitchen, her eyes too frantic to make contact with the man sitting at her table. It would have been an odd sight to see; Director Fury in her apartment with a mug in front of him. Eryn's thoughts were rushing at her all at once. Finding some sort of semblance was volatile at this point. Each thought had its own sequel to oppose it's sedepressers. Each thought tore at. She was hysterical, it was obvious,

And yet there he sat. Stoic stare. Eye trailing her back and forth as she moved about the kitchen, panic stricken and babbling nonsense.

"You didn't kill him."

"My powers did, but my powers are still a part of me so by proxy I still did."

Her combativeness was irritating and pointless.

Fury had heard the news quick and had sent someone to help clean up her mess. It was apparent that her powers were to be secret. In order to keep her classified, SHIELD pulled it's connections. The death was ruled a sucide, in consideration that the gun was never in Eryn's posesion. The story used to cover up her trouble was revealed to be nothing but a suicde. A shot to the heart she broke. The narrative did nothing for her guilt. Either way, In both stories, a man was dead; because of her.

How was she supposed to continue about her life with what she had done? How was she allowed to live her life?

"Look, you're in shock. What you need to do is get some rest." When she didn't answer he added, "And maybe some booze. All of this is over now Agent." Eryn stopped, her hands steadied herself against the island. "I don't know if I can do that sir." "You will if I order you to do it." He stood. "Take some time off, get your head together; until then I don't wanna see you at the compound. Understand?" "Are you firing me?" "No. I'm putting you in a leave of absence. If you don't get over this shit I might." Eryn was stunned. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Figure it out."

  Present day

A week later

Eryn's days had been spent battling herself. Her guilt was ever present. It was a heavy cloud fogging every inch of her apartment. No amount of deep cleaning Eryn did could rid the place of it's spectors. Eryn would often clean a lot in attempts to cleanse the sins almost written clearly on the walls. Cleaning was an activity she oddly would enjoy. It would now become a compulsive distraction. She had only noticed the problem after her 5th time scrubbing her stove. After a week it was clear she was far gone.

Maybe booze would actually help.

 Her first venture out into the world was quick. She had nowhere near made it to her destination. The world was too strange for her now. Everything was fast, a blur of sound and movements. Overwhelmed and defeated she returned to her cell, in hopes a venture planned the next day would be easier. It was then, entering her apartment for the first time she was confronted with the scene. Mel was yet again sprawled out on her floor. Eryn's shriek woke the dead. Mel's body twitched and groaned as it propped itself up to look at her friend. Her face was decomposed and rotting. Much smaller than Eryn had remembered.

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