Chapter 15 Welcome to the panic room

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Eryn was deemed dangerous.

Dangerous to herself and others.

 That night military personnel had escorted her from the farmhouse. To her horror, it was her own mother who turned her in. "I just want what's best for you." She uttered as Eryn's hands were restrained behind her.

Sure she did

She spent all early morning in a cold room, hounded by loud men over and over again for the information she did not have. She stayed silent. She gave them nothing. Not a single flinch, not a single look, not a single word.

 A full day had almost passed before she was thrown back into an armored car. The ride was short.

Eryn has uncuffed and dragged back out to be confronted with the sight of her new prison.

 Spring Hill Psychiatry Clinic

Eryn snorted. "Really? A psych ward?" It was obvious to her why she was being admitted. Ross was throwing her away, to keep an eye on her. Eryn was dragged into a lobby where a handful of smock clad nurses awaited. One of them greeted her with a half smile, promising she would get the best care 'here at Spring Hill'.

 She was taken into a room much like an ordinary doctors office. She was given a pair of leggings and a t-shirt and was told to leave what she was wearing, along with any on hand belongings in a bin that was placed near the sink. The lady nurse watched her as precaution, or rather to ensure Eryn would not try to smuggle in anything. The leggings were a tad tight and the shirt was two sizes too big. She was told that clothes had been dropped off by her parents and that she could change when she got to her room.

 The lady then examined her. "You're pressure is a bit high but that's to be expected due to the circumstance."

 "No shit."

The nurse frowned. "There is no need for hostility, we're only here to help."

"I don't need help."

The nurse crossed her arms and cocked an eyebrow. "I'm perfectly sane and dont wanna kill myself. I'm only here because Ross wants me to be." She sated. "Well it's a good thing that you are."

Eryn was led down a hall or two and into a room of faces glued to a tv playing an episode of Stienfield. "This is the common room, go sit, dinner is in an hour." The nurse gave her another half smile before retreating behind a desk. Eryn took an empty seat in the back of the room. 

She was in hell.

 Every day there was a set schedule.

Wake up at 6;30


Breakfast at 7

Common room until 10

Outside time until 11

Lunch at 12

Snacks at 1

Common room until 4

Snacks again at 4

Dinner at 6

Common room until 8

Girls area until 11 curfew

It was very structured with little room for change. Every meal and every snack time Eryn was given apple juice. It was the only thing she could stand to drink. After drinking it straight for an entire month several times a day she felt herself going crazy. It was almost fitting for her surroundings.

 She had made a few friends, every now and then losing them when they would leave. Eryn was the girl who denied she was crazy though at times it was believable. Why would she be there if she wasnt something? No one would believe her story anyway.

Everynight, carefully in her room, Eryn would play with her power. Testing it ever so slightly. Quick to stop when the nurses came to do their nightly check-ins. Every night she would plot an escape. Each plan more ridiculous than the previous.

 A heaviness would encumber her. A small sense of resentment. She wouldn't be there, stripped of her freedom and drowning in apple juice if it wasn't for Bruce. She would try reasoning first. Her situation could have been worse. And yet she still felt the same. Her thoughts would rage and turn even more senseless the longer she let them wonder on the particular topic.

I hate him, she would think. I hate that I'm here. I hate everything.

Eryn would have a few choice words if she ever saw the scientist again. She would plan them carefully. She would go over every line. It was all too much. She might as well be deemed crazy.

Because Spring Hill was driving her there.

 Eryn had lost track of the days.

 The day she was told she would be on family release, was her favorite day out of them all. She would be transferred into the care of a relative, It was a system Eryn watched other patients leave into. Eryn knew better then to think she would ever get the option. Especially if Ross had anything to say about it. The whole idea was to keep her there.

 Eryn thought something had to be wrong. They were just going to let her go? What was the catch?

When Eryn was released, she suddenly understood why they let her go.

It was a matter of Tony Stark.

Who the hell could say no to Tony Stark?

"How the hell did you manage this?" She asked in a hush whisper as they left the lobby. "Amature Security." He answered simply. "I just popped your name onto a list and boom." "But we're not related.." "Shh, someone will hear you. If anyone asks, you were adopted."

"Gee thanks dad."

"That's not what I meant." 

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