Chapter 23: Nice work Hence

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3 weeks into her mission

Eryn ducked behind a wall, gun in hand. She was under fire and her ammo was running dry. Back up was on their way but seemingly wouldn't give her enough time to hold out.

These Hydra bastards really just keep coming!

It took every ounce of disciple for her not to crumble under the pressure. She knew more soldiers would be approaching in time and there was little to no coverage from her position.

"Hence, Update! How many on your tail?" Nat's voice hummed over the com. "Too many for my liking. I'm almost out already, I think I gotta take them head on." She answered, hand tapping on her gun. Damn it was jammed! Eryn sighed and threw it to the ground. "You sure you can handle them? Backup is still on the way." "Well there's only one way to find out."

She carefully awaited the men to reload.

Come on, you gotta run out at some point.

After hearing the clicks she dashed from behind the wall, sending a wave towards the men, throwing them into bewilderment. Her fist connected with a jaw and her opposite knee shot into another's groin. They fell with a satisfying thud. Eryn inhaled, feeling a sharp pain surge through her hand. She had hit the man too hard with not enough of her waves behind the force. The third man lunged for her throat, she quickly ducked away, and forced him to the ground with ease.

She made sure to hold the remaining men on the ground down with her another surge of waves.

"Targets down, need backup now, cant hold for much longer."

As if on cue, Natasha arrived bringing along with her a face she hadn't seen in a while. It was Steve Rogers. Gear and all.

"Intel secured," Nat spoke. "Let 'em go."

Eryn pulled back with relief, watching the men curl up on the cement.

"Nice work Hence." said a tired looking cap.

Eryn caught her bearings swiftly.

"Woah, it's over already?"

"Congrats girly, you just completed your first mission." Nat threw an arm around her shoulder with a goofy grin. "Let's head home."

Upon her arrival back at the base, Eryn wanted nothing more than a cold shower and a long slumber. Her bed was practically calling to her. Her body was sore and her mind needed rest. Sadly other plans were in store for the girl.

Not even one step into the room, and she was suddenly bombarded with absolute awe. "Well I'll be damned," beamed Stark who was fiddling with one of his robots., "You made it back, and in one piece." Her arms crossed, "Oh, were you expecting a body bag?"

"No, I thought you'd just be more beat up."


Fortunately for Eryn she had suffered very minor injuries. A fractured knuckle, and a few scrapes and cuts were all that marked her body. Tony shot up from his workspace. "I'm still shocked, but nonetheless we need to celebrate!" He exclaimed, reaching for his phone suddenly. "Tony wait- I just got back, isn't it best if I just rest for a while? I'm exhausted." Eryn ehasterated. "Your right, I'll just make it for tonight then."

"Tonight? Make what?" Eryn followed him out of the Iron lair and down the hall, she wasn't liking where this was going. "Your party of course."

"Tony, I don't need a party."

"Course ya do, It'll loosen you up good. Why don't you go rest up for tonight and i'll send Peps to come get you later."

Eryn blinked as he walked off. There was no reasoning with Tony Stark. Eryn gave in. It wouldn't be that bad to celebrate her success. After all, maybe she deserved a party,  

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