Chapter 20: Life ain't all burritos and strippers my friend

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"Life ain't all burritos and strippers my friend." a drunken Eryn slurred to the red headed russian scowling down at her. Eryn was determined to kickstart the day with a bottle of tequila and a brisk work out.

Half a bottle later she was found on the floor of the facility's gym.

Unlucky for her, Nat had entered with a little less of the same idea as she. "I'm sorry, what was that about strippers?" She asked, half amused, half concerned. She was kneeling next to the intoxicated girl. Eryn moved to sit up, and felt the room spin. Nat put a hand on her back to steady her. "Y'know I dont think I've ever seen you like this Hence." Nat stated. Eryn brought a hand up to rub her temple. Her head was already pounding.

"I'm nokay."



Nat shook her head. "Even so it's not safe to be in here if you can't even stand up." Eryn grumbled. "Does Tony know you're down here like this." Eryn put a finger to her lip and leaned forward. "Shhhhhh." Nat sighed and helped her to her feet. "Come on, gotta sober you up then." Next thing Eryn knew, she was walking, or more like stumbling, along the corridor out of the gym. Nat took her to the living area and made Eryn sit. She disappeared for a moment and reappeared with a glass of water and a peanut butter sandwich. "Eat, it'll help." She placed the sandwich in Eryn's hand and took the spot across from her in a chair.

Eryn bit into it cautiously and chewed slowly. Once she swallowed her eyes became glossy. "This tastes sad." She muttered. "It's peanut butter. How is it sad?" Eryn dropped the sandwich in her lap and covered her face. A pitiful sob escaped her. Nat winced and quickly moved to the couch. "Eryn?"

"He never-" *sob* "Even-." *sob* "Said sorry."

The red head blinked, surprised with the sudden outburst. "Who?"

"That stupid Bruce." The situation seemed to click and she nodded. Tony had explained the bit of the situation to her already, and Nat had known there was something going on between the scientist and the agent. But to say she was surprised as to Eryn sudden spurr into alcoholism was an understatement. Nat had always seen her as a puppy. Innocent, Obedient, pretty much happy all the time.

"Everything just feels so empty now."

Nat gave her an awkward pat on the back as the girls sobs continued. "I know its a lot to handle, but c'mon you can't stay sad forever about it." "But he was like magic." Eryn lifted her tear stained face from her hands. "Uh huh. Magic." Nat agreed with a stiff smile. "Like a unicorn." Eryn's eyes widened. "A Brucicorn." Nat stifled a laugh. "Yeah sure. A Brucicorn." Eryn giggled, finding such amusement in the silly word.

"I'm sure he wouldn't wanna see you like this." Nat's smile saddened as Eryn's face melted back into despair.

"How can he see me from canada?"


The next day Eryn was awakened by a sharp knock on her door. She groaned and slid her head under her pillow. Her new quarters were so bright in the mornings. It certainly was no help for the pounding seething in her head. "Rise and Shine sleepy head!" A muffled voice sounded from behind the door. Eryn groaned again. "Go away, Busy being dead." She called back, her voice even more muffled by the mattress. The door creaked open and a cheery voice sung. "That's what you get when you drink your brains out!" Nat set a pill bottle and a water bottle on the nightstand and patted Eryn's back. "Advil for the hangover, c'mon, get up and get dressed. We got a lot to do." Eryn lifted the pillow and glared at the other girl. "What things?"



Eryn rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"You said you wanted to be an Avenger, soooo, we gotta start getting you ready." Nat rummaged through the already opened closet and pulled out a pair of leggings and a shirt. She tossed them to Eryn who was just sitting up. "So you're gonna train me?" she asked quizzically. "Would you rather me go get Tony?" Eryn shook her head and pulled herself out of bed. Nat smiled. "Great, now let's get to it!"

Nat was tough on Eryn. But in 5 months, Eryn skills had greatly improved. Her aim was much better. She learned how to use her gun properly and could hit moving targets a lot better. Her loading time was cut to 10 seconds. Nat taught her how to better her combat skills and how to incorporate her powers. She was able to use them to throw off her opponents balance, and to drive more force into her blows. At one point her strength was so great the testing dummy's head was cleared straight off and caused a small crater in the wall many feet away. Eryn had no idea that she could allude to having more strength then she was capable of with her powers.

Eryn reckoned that if she had the knowledge and skills she had gained while at SHILED she wouldnt have been cast off to do stupid tasks. She felt brand new. Empowered. Like she could take on the world.

Along with the new skills, Eryn had gained a friend. Natasha and Eryn had grown much closer as their training went on. Eryn could gladly name her as a friend. The woman was witty and sarcastic at times. She had a great shoulder to cry on. Eryn was thankful to have her.

After a day of testing her powers, the two sprawled out in the living room, salty snacks and sodas out in front of them, watching episode after episode of The Chilling Tales Of Sabrina. They had just started the series and were already on a gut wrenching episode. Eryn munched on a slim jim as the story unfolded. A good part was approaching.

The light flicked on and the two girls protested. "Tony you're ruining our atmosphere!" Nat snapped as the billionaire marched in front of the holographic screen. Eryn quickly paused the show. "What could possibly be more important than Sabrina's Dark Baptism?" Eryn huffed "Dark what? Nevermind- There's something I gotta tell you."

"Speak Iorn Chad."

"Bruce is coming back."

Eryn choked on the little piece of slim jim she had bitten off. Nat patted her back as she coughed. After getting it down with a swig of Fanta, she stared at him with wild eyes."

"Are you serious?"

"Um, yeah."

"Well fuck." 

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