Chapter 13: I can't guarantee you'll leave a free woman

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 Later that Day

Eryn stood as postured as possible, eyes firm on the wall behind the man. She could feel her pulse skyrocket and her nerves shot. Her hands were clenched at her sides; she noted her nails would leave a mark if she didn't calm down.How on earth was she supposed to stay cool in the reign of fire? One of the most powerful men was standing in front of her, almost studying her. And why? Why Eryn; a fly on the wall he was trying to hang the Avengers on. "S-sir?"

It was all plain and simple. His movement was well calculated as turned to a screen. Eryn's information and picture for SHIELD appeared. Eryn was stunned. She skimmed over her agent info, grimacing at what she saw.

 SHIELD had dubbed her unknown. A word stamped on those whose risks were unsure of.

Was he threatening her?

"Over the past couple of years, you've seemed to only be a blimp on the radar." He spoke to her, back still turned. "Nothing too special, nothing too dangerous. And yet here you are." Police reports swarmed the screen. Mel and the Stalker. Eryn felt a hash stab in her stomach. "How has no one discovered the blood on your hands?" He turned back to her with a cold expression. Eryn was frozen. "What are you implying?" Her words slurred.

 "I'm implying that if you don't cooperate with me, These cases will look more than coincidence." "Great, so what are you blackmailing me for?" Eryn's arms crossed in hopes to hide her bleeding palms. "Blackmail is such a nasty term." The documents on screen disappeared and were replaced with images Eryn knew all too well. They were of Eryn and Bruce. One from the party, one from the day they first met, one of them at the tower. Eryn's stabbing worsened. "It would be wise to reveal any information you may have on Banner's whereabouts." An invulnerable snicker escaped Eryn. "You think I know where he is?" "The two of you seem close, It wouldn't be unrealistic for you to know something we don't."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you sir, but I have no idea where Banner is." Eryn stated cooly. "Somehow I don't believe that's true. What I believe is that you know damn well where he is-" "If I did, I wouldn't tell you of all people. What are you planning to do with that kind of information? Go after him? Lock him up? And for what? You'd think he'd earned some type of freedom by now." The room grew colder, Eryn knew she was backed into a corner. "I don't know where he is." She stated simply before turning to leave.

 "If you walk out that door I can't guarantee you'll leave a free woman." His words foze her reaching hand. Eryn turned back with a forced grin. "Oh what are you gonna lock me up too?"

 His silence answered her.

Her sigh answered him.

"I don't think I ever was anyway."

Eryn opened the door and walked out with heavy shoulders.

 It only took a moment and a turn of a corner for her to run into a gaggle of guards. Oh great! "You gonna play nice or are we gonna have to do this the hard way?" one of them challenged. Eryn raised her hands to signal her defeat. "Oh shoot, you guys got me." They went to grab her only for Eryn to woosh them across the hall and down some stairs. Her powers were not to fail her today.

A group of guards emerged and chased her into a room with no other exit. At least not one with a door. Eryn could feel the power surging wildly in her fingertips. It urged her boldly. After a simple touch, she shoved a desk into a window with great force, shattering the glass. She leapt out, clutching wildly for the desk as she fell. The moment she got a hold of it she propped herself on top and halted it's crash. The desk landed with an Eryn on top of it. Almost perfectly. Her balance threw it off causing her to plummet onto her face. She got up, dusted herself off, and moved.

 There was no time. 

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