Chapter 16

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Konur laughed as he looked at Kongar. "Oh, brother, that was stressful," he said as he sat down next to Kongar. "Indeed, Abi," replied Kongar. Konur placed his hand on Kongar's chest and sighed; "Mashaallah, Melike bacim healed you well," he said. "She should be an official healer of the tribe, but she's too much of a fighter. We can't waste the fire inside of her." "She really is a fighter," agreed Kongar. His ocean-blue eyes had a sparkle in them as he thought of Melike. Konur smiled at him. "I've known Melike all my life, since Osman and his father brought me to the tribe," he explained. "She may be a fighter, and tends to prefer spending more time in battle than she does resting peacefully in the tribe, but she's always had such a tender heart." "Is that so?" asked Kongar. "Yes. Both her and her brother, though Boran shows his kindness and tender heart more than his little sister does," chuckled Konur. "They both are alike in many ways, from what I can see," commented Kongar observantly. "That is true. Melike and Boran both have the biggest hearts of any human beings I know," said Konur. "I trust them with my life. And they are amongst the only ones who know that I have a long-lost brother." He smiled at his brother who grinned sheepishly back.

"Who named you Kongar?"

Konur stared curiously at the man he suspected to be his long lost brother. "I was named a killer, to be famous on the battlefield," sneered Kongar, exhaling heavily. He was rather tired after being beaten up by Ayaz and Dumrul, but wanted to show that he was still powerful. Konur scoffed and pushed Kongar's jaw slightly to the side and tugged on his collar, revealing his crescent-shaped birthmark. "What's that birthmark then?" he asked. "How would I know?" snapped Kongar. "Well tell me then, why do I have the same one?" demanded Konur. Kongar's eyes widened as he saw the birthmark on Konur's lower neck. He couldn't answer as he stared, his mouth slightly ajar. "Tell me, why do I have the same one as you do?" Konur repeated. "Aren't you supposed to be questioning me? Go away if you're just going to waste my time," hissed Kongar, distracted. Konur did not take heed of his request and instead clung onto Kongar as if his life depended on it.

" brother..."

Kongar's eyes widened. What the hell was he on about? "You're my brother, Goktug," Konur revealed, and Kongar's big blue eyes widened to the size of a full moon. He began to tremble slightly, and held back the tears threatening to spill. "I'm your older brother! Your brother, Konur! Your older brother, Konur!" exclaimed poor Konur, who too was holding back what seemed like a river of tears. Kongar felt both enraged and pained; how dare this man claim himself as Konur, and speak on such a touchy subject? Kongar refused to believe him, and he spat at him. Konur wiped his face tiredly. "Do you think I'm a baby? Would Kongar fall for this dumb trick?" asked the fierce warrior, glaring at the man who claimed to be his elder brother. Konur grabbed his collar and held onto him, not letting go; "Who made you forget everything, hmm? Who made you forget, that our father was killed by Mongols, the people you say are yours?" demanded Konur. "I am a Mongol, I am one of them. My parents died fighting!" claimed Kongar, but a hint of uncertainty was heard in his trembling voice.

"I know you do not believe that to be true. Goktug, they took your mind and soul, how could you forget this mark that we shared, me and you?" cried Konur. "How could you forget our tribe that was destroyed by those Mongols?" Kongar gulped as the memories flowed through his mind, and he began to remember being shielded by an older brother and a mother who gave her life for both of them. His eyes filled with tears which he no longer had the strength to hold back. "But...I am a Mongol," he whimpered, trying to convince himself of what he only partly believed was true. "Assuming you forgot our birthmark that leads up to our grandfather Iltegin Alp, and our mother who gave her life for ours...." Kongar's striking blue eyes clouded over as white-hot pain flowed through his heart, and he let the walls he spent years putting up crash down with Konur's convincing words. "Did you forget your heart, your Allah, Goktug?" demanded Konur. "Did you forget Allah, and The Prophet S.A.W who we swore to die for? Speak!" Tears finally broke free from Kongar's eyelids and streamed down his pale cheeks. His walls were down, and for a while he let himself bask in the fact that his older brother was with him, reminding him of who he really was.

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