Chapter 17

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*look at how our baby Kongar looks at Melike 🥺🥺🥺*

"Bey...Kongar escaped."

Konur looked down at the ground forlornly as he stood in front of Osman and told him what had happened. Osman stood up and glared at his friend in anger. "What do you mean, he escaped?" he asked in a dangerous voice. Konur couldn't answer as the pain stung his heart; the pain for failing Osman and the pain for failing himself for not being able to get his brother back. "Konur, I asked you a question. How, and why did he escape...?" Osman asked, his voice growing louder by every syllable. "I...he asked for water, Bey," stammered Konur as Osman grabbed him by the front of his shirt. "He asked for water and when my back was turned...he knocked me unconscious." "Didn't you tie him to the tree when we left, and when Melike returned to the tribe?" asked Osman. Konur shook his head, not bearing to look into Osman's fiery brown eyes. "No Bey," he said softly. "I ORDERED YOU TO BE CAREFUL WITH HIM!!!" bellowed Osman and slapped Konur. Hard. Konur fell to the ground, but the pain from the slap did not hurt him as much as the fact that he had hurt Osman Bey and disappointed him.

"GET UP!" thundered Osman. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO FALL TO THE GROUND, NOT WHEN YOU HAVE FAILED YOUR DUTY." He grabbed Konur by the throat and held him against the wall of the cave; "Why, Konur? Why were you so careless with him?" he asked angrily. "Why didn't you watch him as you do with every other prisoner?" "I...I couldn't, Bey," choked out poor Konur, tears beginning to form in his eyes. "Why, Konur? I need an answer!" growled Osman. Konur couldn't answer, as if his mouth was glued shut. Osman released him, and looked away in fury. "Maybe I've asked too much for you to do and you are incapable of it," he spat. "Maybe you've lost your energy and loyalty for me. You should just leave, if that is the case." "No, I won't leave," said Konur firmly, mustering up whatever courage he had. "I won't leave you, not when you still need me even if I make thousands of mistakes, even if you tear both my eyes out." "Then why? Why couldn't you have done this one thing, and be careful with Kongar?" demanded Osman. "Kongar..." Konur gulped as he prepared his answer. "Kongar is my long-lost brother, Goktug!"

Osman had an astounded look on his face when Konur revealed the astonishing piece of information. They both did not notice Boran in the entrance of the cave, looking just as surprised as Osman was as he heard everything they said. "Kongar's your brother?!?" he exclaimed, shocking both Osman and Konur. Konur looked down at the ground; "Yes," he answered in a mumble. "Now this is shocking," said Osman, stroking his chin and immediately began to feel remorseful for punishing Konur in such a way. "When did you find out, Konur?" "I saw the birthmark we share when he was torturing me in the caged tent," said Konur, and Boran remembered when Kongar held Konur down to the ground and realized that he would've seen it then, whilst he and the restrained alps were crying for konur to be released. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, an eyebrow raised. Konur shook his head; "I couldn't," he protested. "I just...I couldn't. I was going to tell Melike but-" "You could tell Melike, but not me or Osman Bey?" shouted Boran angrily.

Osman looked as if he wanted to stop him from yelling but found that he was feeling the same way. "Yeah, what is that about, Konur?" he added. "Because all of you hate him so much and I doubted you," blurted out Konur. "You hated him, and the Mongols - respectfully so- and I didn't think you would give him a chance!" "And what does that have to do with my sister?" demanded Boran. "Your sister is the only one who seemed to care about him like I do! She took pity on him instead of hating him, for some reason and I knew I could trust her to trust me, and not stab me in the back!" exclaimed Konur, his head in his hands. "How could you think that of us?" asked Boran. "We're your damn brothers! We love you just as you love Goktug, how could you not trust us?" "I saw how much Osman Bey tortured Kongar, how much hate you all had for him. How could I have?" Konur shot back. "You doubted my justice?" thundered Osman. "You doubted your brothers, and me?" Konur shrunk back and squeezed his eyes shut.

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