Chapter 28

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"Well, we're done with that mission, Brother," said Konur with a content smile on his face as he walked around with his younger brother. It was the early morning, they had woken up a few hours before and tied their horses up after riding a few miles north of where they slept in Osman Bey's secret cave after leaving Princess Adelfa in the care of Elif Hatun and Melike. "Cok Sukur, the Princess is in good hands." "Yes, Abi," said Goktug. "We've completed the mission Osman Bey gave to us." "Indeed, kardasim. We found each other, didn't we?" asked Konur. "We can do anything together; survive through any war or battle, and defeat any enemy. We'll see many victories together, Inshaallah." "Inshaallah, Abi," said Goktug. Konur noticed the sadness in his voice, and sighed as he stopped his brother in his tracks. He had found out about the incident with Melike the previous day after she ran into Elif Hatun's cave in tears, and Goktug had explained to him what had happened before they left for the Secret Cave.

"Are you thinking of Melike?" asked Konur. "Always, Abi," said Goktug honestly, his voice full of sorrow. "There's never a second where she has left my mind." He looked down at the ground. "I wish that she hadn't tried to talk to me...especially after what happened. I shouldn't have held her hand, or said anything, because now I know I broke her heart further. She shouldn't have to bear such a burden." "Goktug, there comes a time where one must overcome his or her grudges and pain, and put what's important first," said Konur wisely. "I know you are of utmost importance to her, even if she doesn't see it yet. She will have to put up with speaking to you, especially now as we are working together to bring down Balgay." Goktug sighed. "I know, but she still needs time. Time to decide what's best for her," he said. "And if I am not what she decides is best for her, then Allah has decreed it." "Don't think such negative thoughts, brother," said Konur sternly. "Melike loves you, like you love her. You will work it out, and if we must, Boran and I will intervene, and even Osman Bey if needed." "Don't reprimand her for it, please," begged Goktug. "She needs this."

Konur sighed; he looked up and down at his lovestruck younger brother, whose eyes were filled with deep love, longing and sadness, as well as hurt and regret. "As you say, kardasim," said Konur softly, patting his brother's arm. Goktug nodded, and changed the subject.

"Will we go to the tribe now?" he asked. Konur chuckled; "What happened, eh? Did you suddenly long for the life in the tribe?" Goktug smiled back. "I do, Abi," he admitted honestly. "I've heard amazing things about it. It will do me good to be with people who will truly accept me for who I am...people who love me." He gulped slightly at the word 'love', but did not make notice of it. Konur sighed; "We must go to the tribe, Goktug," he said sadly. "But you must go and watch Alisar's mansion for us, be our eyes and ears there. It isn't safe for you to be in the tribe yet- at least until we're done with Balgay." Goktug nodded, disheartened but still hopeful. "Inshaallah my duty needn't take long," he said. "I can wait a little longer." Konur grinned. "That's the spirit," he said as Dumrul Alp ran up to him. "Konur, I have news," he said urgently. "Go ahead, Dumrul," said Konur.

"Osman Bey and Boran Alp are missing," said Dumrul. "The scout Alps found their cart abandoned in the woods, and there were spatters of fresh blood. I believe that they're in trouble." Konur and Goktug looked at each other, worried. "How could this happen?" asked Goktug. "Osman Bey said that Alisar wouldn't know-" "He must've trusted the wrong person," growled Konur, knowing immediately that it must have been Aygul who had tipped Alisar off. "Aygul Hatun was supposed to tell Alisar that Dundar was in Osman Bey's safe hands and wouldn't be harmed, but I am guessing that she twisted the story a bit." He sighed, exasperated. "We must go to the tribe immediately, Goktug," he said. "If Alisar's responsible for this, go to the Port Bazaar, to his mansion. Wait until he comes and find out where Osman Bey is." "Eyvallah," said Goktug, and nodded at Dumrul before pressing his palm to his chest and jumping on his horse. Konur did the same, and looked at his younger brother with nothing but love and care in his eyes. "Little Brother, be careful," he said. "We have many enemies." Goktug smiled. "If I have a big brother like you, Konur Alp, what is there to fear?" he said proudly. "Don't worry about me. Soldiers return, and they leave, and they may or may not come back. If we don't meet again today, we will meet again someday. Give me your blessings." "You have them, Goktug," said Konur, a smile brightening his face. He watched his brother turn his horse and ride off into the woods toward the Port Bazaar, and then turned to lead the rest of the Alps back to the Kayi Tribe.

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