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Author: Hello! Welcome to my third story that will cross over with my second story!

If you have read my first story which is the modern version of Naruto, i mention that i was going to give a reader character a name, but sadly didn't.

So, use whatever until then. Hope you enjoy the story!!


Third Person Point of View

"Grandfather! Come look!" Young six-year-old (l/n) (y/n) said. Shouting for her grandfather's attention from the backyard of their home. Showing him that she has finally unlocked her kekkei genkai. The young girl's eyes had turned from her hazel eyes into a bright blue and started bending water at her will. Making the water dance and flow in the air.

Her grandfather was impressed and clapped his hands. "Well done, my granddaughter! I knew your nature would be water." He said with a smile.

She smiled back and then felt a pain in her head. She turned off her kekkei genkai, which made the water she was bending with fall to the ground. She holds her head with her hands and silently whines the pain. Her grandfather rushed to aid her.

"My dear girl, are you okay?" He said, very worried. The little girl nods her head while wiping the tears away. "Good, remember you're too young, so the Shizengan of the (l/n) Clan is still advanced for you." He said, petting my head.

They walk to the porch where the grandfather was watching his granddaughter. They both sit down, admiring the gardens and warm weather. The grandfather taps on the young (y/n)'s shoulder, and she sees his eyes are bright red now. He made slight movements with his arms, which made small fire birds dancing around, then slowly faded. Putting the little girl's smile back on.

"Grandfather, what does all these Shizengan mean? Can other people control nature elements like us?" The young girl asks her grandfather.

"Well, other people can use ninjutsu, which is a nature jutsu, and find out what their chakra nature is. However, they don't have our gifts." The old man said, trying to make sure she understood. "Our clan can only use all five nature elements at our will. Without using a special hand movement."

"What are the nature elements again?" She asks him courageously.

"The five main nature elements are water, earth, fire, wind, and lightning. Each member of our clan started with their main nature chakra. Like for you, you have water while I have fire. Your brother has earth, your father has wind, and your late mother had lightning." He answers her question.

"Oh, wow! So, we can use our Shizengan whatever we want? Is there anything else we can do with these eyes we have?"

"Well, we have our special hidden jutsu that our Shizengan has when it's activated," he said, getting up from sitting. "With water, a protecting shield or dome like jutsu when there's enough water. People who have it are known to be for defense in battles. Wind has speed that can assist you to get away from your enemy in seconds. As long as you're moving or riding with the winds and where it takes you. The earth is blocking genjutsu, which is due to its stubbornness. Some people can release it without having our eyes very well. However, our clan who has the Earth Shizengan can have no effect on anyone's genjutsu or mind control. It protects our minds and thoughts from any enemy."

The girl looks up at her grandfather as he activates his Fire Shizengen again and unleashes his hidden jutsu. She was confused as she blinked once and saw she's alone. She looks for her grandfather from left to right. Until she hears his voice from behind her.

"With my fire, I can blend in with the shadows and be undetectable. Nobody can sense or see where I am." He pops out from behind her, which made her flinch. He was hiding behind her shadow. He then returns sitting next to her. "Lightning is a mysterious one. People who don't have the Lightning Shizengan don't know its hidden jutsu. The user must figure it out on their own. But the most common one seems to be absorbing electricity like my late wife, your grandmother, but not all can. Your mother couldn't do it either. As for your other question, it is a no, but you can still learn other ninjutsu that is related to your main nature. Or whatever other natures you have. If you have more than one-"

"We can have more than one?" The young girl's eyes widen. It was too late to avoid the subject for the poor grandfather, who didn't want her to know about having more than one Shizengan yet.

"Yes, some can have two or three. However, we can never completely control all five." He said in seriousness. "Unlike your grandmother, of course. But she only had it once before it blinded her."

"Why is that, grand-"

"Hello? I'm back from my mission!" The older brother said, walking inside from the front door to the porch as he noticed them.

"Shun!" The young (y/n) said as she ran up to her older brother. She hugs him, and he does the same. Then she looks up to him, "Big brother, my nature is water! I just unlocked Shizengan today!"

"Wh-What?! That's great! And so early, though. Isn't grandfather?" Shun said, looking at his grandfather.

"Well, maybe she's a special one. This means we have to start training her now." Their grandfather said, getting up. "Your father is out on his mission. He'll be gone for two weeks. At least, that's what he said." He looks at (y/n).

Both of the men notice her fear in her eyes by the mention of the word "father." They both look at each other. No words. They know what they're thinking just by looking at each other. Shun kneels down to his little sister's level.

"Hey (y/n), maybe it's good you don't show your Shizengan to Father. More importantly, don't use it in school. You just started your first day a week ago. Your friend, Sasuke, will be sad if you have to skip a few grades because you know how to use this kekkei genkai before any of your friends can even learn how to use a jutsu move. You don't want to graduate early and miss your friends too much, right?" He said with a smile and caring look.

She drops her head, "Sasuke-kun is my only friend there..." She said unhappily. "I can't make any friends. I have a lot of cuts and bruises... and I'm shy and don't know what to say..."

"Well, at least you know Sasuke. So, you'll have more friends later on. If they don't like you, then don't bother with them. You are a great kid. Plus, they're probably a bunch of dog lovers anyway." Shun said. "But the good news is, Momo is coming to visit. You remember her, right? Our mother's cat partner? She'll be so happy to finally see you again."

"As for the cuts and bruises, it's already healing nicely," their grandfather said, walking towards his grandchildren. "Make sure you wear your jacket so no one won't see them in case, okay?"

"And this," Shun said, taking off the hold of the girl's jacket. "Don't hide your face with your hood. Your face is beautiful. It's also rude to have it on indoors." (y/n) smiles and nods her head happily.

Two weeks later

The Anbu and the Uchiha Police arrived at the (l/n)'s home. They noticed the blood and followed it, which led to an office room. Where the grandfather and father are in a pool of blood unconscious. Uchiha Fugaku turns his head away from his old teammate and his father's dead bodies. Then, look at the young (y/n) laying in the corner motionless. He walks up her and notices she's unconscious. He moves her gentle closer to him and spots the fresh cuts and blood on her back. Luckily, she's still barely breathing.

"Damn it, Kai..." The Uchiha man said, looking at the girl's dead father. "Was it all worth it? You think your wife would forgive you for what you had done to your own daughter?..."

"Officer Uchiha Fugaku," one of the Uchiha Police members said. "From what we understand based on the looks of this and the information we got today, it looks like the old man tried to stop his son from killing his daughter."

"And where is the (l/n) Shun, the brother of this girl?" he asks him.

"Oh, his way from a mission, sir. We'll be taking the bodies and the girl to the hospital now."

My Long Journey as a Shinobi (and to his heart) -  Kiba x Reader Naruto FFWhere stories live. Discover now