Chapter 1 - Him

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Author: This is a short chapter since I still need to finish the first story while writing the second story. Hope you enjoy!!!


(Y/N)'s Point of View

"Young Lady (y/n)! You'll be late if you don't start leave for your finals!" Momo shouts from the kitchen as I just walk out of my room and the hallways.

"Momo, I would be thirty minutes early if I leave now," I said to her.

"I don't care what you humans think! You all should always arrive early and on time!" she shouts more.

Momo is my mother's partner. A well-trained Ninneko, ninja cat, who fought alongside her years ago. She came to visit my family for a few days since she's family. After the night of my father's and grandfather's death, she came back to stay and take care of Shun and I. Mostly me since Shun has been taking a lot of missions so we can keep our large house. She has also been helping me with my training and told me stories about my mother, which was nice. My mother was, of course, a member of the (l/n) clan, but she didn't know until my grandparents found her. She spent her years growing up in a cat village, and that's how she met Momo. Then both moved here after my grandparents found her and then introduced her to my father.

While Momo is complaining, I went ahead to get my stuff for my last day as an academy student. I wave at her goodbye, and she waves her paw up. I shut the door behind me and start walking. I took my time to get to the academy since I'll be there too early by just admiring the homes, trees, and stores.

"Wahh! Daddy!" I hear a child cry, and I turn to see her crying over spilled ice cream. The child's father walks up to her.

'Is he going to be mad at her that he'll beat her once they get home or maybe here in public?' A thought has come to me.

"Don't worry, sweetie. It's nothing to cry about," the child's father said, giving her a hug. "Daddy will buy you another one, okay?" She wipes her tears while nodding, then the two left.

'Is that what a father should act like?' I thought to myself.

You see, my father and I didn't have a good relationship. He blamed me for the death of his wife as she was giving birth to me. He never once showed any loved for me nor cared. That night of his and grandfather's deaths was a blur. I only remember my father dragging me away from my day with Sasuke, my ex friend, now, by the way, and abused me until I couldn't move. Grandfather showed up and told me to run. The next thing I knew, I woke up in a hospital bed, not remembering what else had happened. I tried, but it was too painful to relive it, so I ended up not caring for it. However, I do wish I knew how my grandfather died and if it was really my fault.

After the exams

I passed the exam with flying colors and got a headband to approve it. I did show off a bit but never intended to. I was supposed to make one clone but made four instead. So what if some other genin would start to feel threatened by my skills. I really don't care about how they feel.

"Hey, fur ball!" I hear an annoying voice who I know who belongs to. "The hell you think it was okay to show off like that?"

"So? Why care, mutt?" I ask mutt as I continue to walk.

Inuzuka Kiba is or was now a fellow student at the academy. He's from the Inuzuka Clan, where they specialize with Ninja Hounds with a high sense of smell and abilities. They also have a dog partner to fight with them. We obviously do not get along at all like little children should. He called me "fur ball" just to annoy me since I told him he's a mutt like his dog. I ended up calling him that after that. It's a long story that I don't want to bother telling.

"Me caring about you?" Kiba said laughing. "In your furry little dreams, but that's not the point. My point is you! Do you think you're better than me? Hey! Don't walk away!" he stands in front of me.

"I'm not your problem anymore, mutt. This is where we'll finally leave each other. So, goodbye now." I said, walking around him. Ignoring his dog growls from his jacket.

Kiba's Point of View

'Damn it, she's really annoying!' I thought to myself watching (y/n) walk away.

Since day one, we hated each other. That happened when I got Akamaru and brought him to the academy with me. He ran off during recess and started to run after her when she was up on the tree. I was confused at first when he started to growl at her until she called Akamaru a mutt, and an old cat walked her home. That was the start of it all.

Akamaru continues to growls even though the fur ball is gone now. I pet his head to calm him. "Let's go home, Akamaru. We gotta show off our headbands to Hana and mom!" I said, and he bark happily. I smile at him and run home.

Hours later

Somehow, my smiles finally fade. Why? I don't know. I suddenly remembered my conversation with that heartless fur ball that made me change my mood. Hearing what that she said about not seeing each other again may have something to do with it. Somehow, it feels off for me to care what she said. I lay on my bed with Akamaru beside me while staring at the ceiling. Until I hear a knock on my door. I don't need to ask who it is, but I know my sister's scent.

"Come in, sis," I said, getting up. My sister walks inside.

"Hey," she said smiling and closed the door behind her. "Why the long face, little brother?"

"It's nothing," I said to her. "I'm just tired, that's all."

"Are you sure?" she walks up to me and sits on my bed. "Or maybe you're sad you won't see your cat girlfriend anymore?"

"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU!?!??! SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!!" I shout at her. She has always done this to me since I first told her about fur ball.

"Really? Tell me this, does she still 'smell funny like happiness'?" she said, quoting the words I said years ago. Okay, I admit. (y/n) smells really good, but I can't tell what it is.

It started years ago moments after we first met, but I didn't notice until after our hatred towards each other grew. I thought it would be fun to mess with her, so I brought some other kids to join in. It was easy since she's the top of the class and has no friends nor can make them. It was fun and innocent until my so-called friends took it too far. They caught her feeding a shray cat and start beating it while holding her down. She begged for them to beat her instead of the dumb cat. I couldn't watch anymore, so I stopped them. Sadly, it didn't change between us, and I felt bad for that day. That's when I started noticing her scent more. Her scent is more different and stronger than the others. I told Hana about it, and she jokingly said I imprinted on her. Like hell would I ever fall for a girl who likes cats better than dogs!

"Yes, but it's not like that! I don't love her!" I said to her, and she laughs at me.

"Fine," she said, no longer laughing anymore. "I just want to say I'm proud of you and Akamaru for coming genins. Soon, you'll be able to pass the chunin exams."

"Oh, I'm so passing that! Nobody stands a chance against us! Right, Akamaru?" I said while Akamaru barks agreeing with me.

"I can't wait to see. Always, goodnight." She said, getting up and going to the door. She suddenly stops before she walks out. "But know this, you'll be at the academy again to meet your sensei. So, you still have that day to confess your feelings." She quickly gets out of my room before I could throw my pillow at her.

I lay back down on my bed. I was alone with my thoughts while looking at the ceiling again. 'I guess it wouldn't hurt seeing the nasty fur ball one more time.' I thought to myself then slowly went to sleep.

My Long Journey as a Shinobi (and to his heart) -  Kiba x Reader Naruto FFWhere stories live. Discover now