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Dressed in her expensive uniform that consists of a royal blue blazer for winter and autumn, a white short-sleeved blouse perfect for hot days, mid-thigh length skirt, and high socks with half an inch black school shoes, Renxiang was ready to go to school with her brother.

Renjun, who was quite a quiet yet noticeable boy in their grade, came down from the right side of their double staircase with his customized Tom Ford backpack, the letters "RJ" carved on the outer pocket of the bag made of gold. Renjun was on his phone, making him walk slower than usual. 

"You know, I hope you trip," Renxiang says, arms crossed and rolled her eyes. Her twin rolled his eyes back, shoving his phone inside the pocket of his blazer uniform and finally going down at a normal pace. 

"It's still early, geez. Plus, it's the first day of our 2nd year college. Aren't you excited?" He said sarcastically while they were walking up to their big door. The two maids bowed at the two, opening the big doors. Some might feel that they were living in practically a castle, but for the twins, it was a normal house that they lived in basically their whole lives. The twins arrived at the car, their butler opening the door for them. Renxiang went in first, then Renjun.

Renxiang rubbed her hands together, kind of nervous since it was their first day of college. To say, the school they were going to study was specifically for elites and upper class students who can afford the tuition fee & dorm fees, that is, if they live far from Beijing. 

Huang Renjun & Huang Renxiang. They were known as the Huang twins, being one of the few twins in the elite world of China. Their family owns one of the biggest technology companies in China, Huang Techologies. Currently, their father's running their business. Being the only child that was a man, Huang Renxing was the only option to be the family's heir. The others didn't mind, as they didn't want to be the ones to handle such a big company.

Huang Renjun, also being the only child of Renxing that's a boy, was next in line after his father. With that being said, Renjun's course in college was in line for his future job: business management. 

Meanwhile Renxiang, Huang Technologies' future vice, took up  medicine. Since all her life she's  been surrounded oriented people, she decided she wanted to take a course that she really liked. She loves aiding people, especially when they're physically unwell. Unlike Renjun, she was outgoing and loud. People know that they should respect her, for she wasn't a girl full of bark but no bites. She isn't as delicate as you might think. She might have soft, princess features, but once she bites back, you might regret it. 

That doesn't mean she doesn't do well in school. She's a top student like her brother. She passes things on time, and  never misses class unless needed to. 

Anyway, the twins arrived in front of the school, both going out the same time. They decided to wait in front of the doors for their cousin, Xuxi, to tour them awhile before going to class. They were pretty early, to say. They arrived 20 minutes before their first class. Renxiang looked at her watch anxiously, then her phone to check if her cousin texted.

"Where the hell is he?" she asked her twin. She didn't like being late to anything, so 20 minutes felt like such a short time for her. 

"Chill out, dumbass. We still have lots of time. Let's just go to the cafeteria first, I'm sure he'd find us." Renjun said, trying to calm his sister down to which she thankfully did. Seeing that it was still early, they decided to find where the cafeteria is.

Another 5 minutes of walking around, they finally got to the cafeteria, which they call the mess hall. Since they were in one of the most expensive schools, the mess hall looked so grand. Chandeliers hanging here and there, the food looking so exquisite. It felt as if you were in a castle, not inside a school cafeteria.

The twins decided that Renjun would find something to eat (he hasn't eaten breakfast) and Renxiang would find them a table.

Renxiang felt her phone vibrate, she looked at it and saw a text from their cousin:

I'm here, sorry I'm late. Wru?

'Mess hall. our table's by the window.' She texted back. With that, she looked at the other apps while waiting for the boys.

"Has Lucas texted yet?" Said Renjun, approaching her with a sandwich. Out of all the great food the cafeteria had, he just had a sandhich. Oh, and coffee. Renxiang nodded, showing him the text to which he just nodded to. They just proceeded on talking while waiting for their cousin.

After after 5 minutes of waiting, they saw Xuxi with the same uniform as Renjun was wearing.

"Took you long enough," Renxiang said, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. Lucas smiled sheepishly and tried hugging his cousin, apologizing.

"I woke up late, sorry," he said.

"Where are the others?" Renjun asked, receiving a shrug from Lucas. "I just got here dude. How would I know?" 

"It's 10 minutes before classes. Shall we go?" Renjun finally said, finishing his sandwich and taking the coffee before standing up. After that, Renxiang and Lucas stood up too, following Renxiang's twin.

They separated ways after a few minutes. Renxiang's first class on the east wing, while Renjun & Yukhei's were on the south.

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