"You look very ravishing tonight, young princess." Yuta said, his right hands on her right waist, the other holding her left hand. Renxiang smiled at the comment, muttering a small thank you while they swayed to the classy music that was being played.
"You know, I hope to see you again after this party. Mind if I get your number after we dance?" He asked, making her nod. Yuta held a handsome smirk on his face, making Renxiang's heart explode.
Meanwhile, Renjun was with Yang Yang and Xiaojun. They met some people that were their age. They said they called themselves Dreamies, for the had other dreams in mind rather than just being sole heirs of their families' companies.
They met when Renjun saw Chenle, greeting him with a hug. He missed his friend. Not being in his home country was hard for young Chenle. It was hard to communicate and hard to make friends. But then he met Park Jisung, a boy from his class who befriended him almost instantly.
Renjun and Yang Yang saw Chenle with other boys, Chenle introducing them to Renjun, while Renjun introduced Yang Yang to them. Then Xiaojun came, telling Yang Yang and Renjun that he lost Hendery and Lucas. Thankfully, the three friends from china could speak fluent Korean because they lived there about one to three years. Not together, though.
They then met Mark Lee, which the Dreamies called a walking highlighter. Renjun and the two chuckled at their goofy nickname for their friend.
"Oh! I also met your sister a while ago. Very pretty, I might say. Looks like it runs in the family, huh?" Mark said, making her chuckle. Renjun then looked stiff at the mention of his sister. Xiaojun noticed this, covering up for him.
"Yeah, you haven't even met their cousin. I'll admit he looks very handsome, just because he isn't here," he said, making the others laugh. Renjun awkwardly laughed, looking at Xiaojun and nodding, Xiaojun doing the same.
"Oh, isn't that her right now? And she's with the Nakamoto heir? What's his name? Yuno? Yuto? Yu-" donghyuck was cut off by Renjun, Yang Yang, Xiaojun, and Mark saying "Yuta" at the same time. Hearing this, Yuta's attention was directed to who were the people who called him. He didn't quite identify the voices, thankfully. The other Dreamies noticed this, making them laugh.
"Good thing he didn't notice. By the way, what's up with him and miss Huang?" Jeno asked, curious.
"Nothing, really. They kind of clicked instantly last night when we met him and his parents." Yang Yang said. Renjun rolling his eyes at the memory of the man.
"Do you guys, by any chance, know him and his, you know, background?" Renjun said, slowly getting protective of his sister and curious about Yuta.
"Well, I did do some research about him way back when he was featured in Korean news. He was accused of being a drug dealer, which was apparently true. But his parents bailed him out instantly and news about him was immediately deleted. Luckily, I did my research quick." Jaemin said, showing them a screenshot he luckily never deleted on his phone about the news. The Dreamies, together with the 3 Chinese friends, read about the news.
"Looks like he really isn't good news." Xiaojun muttered.
"Better look out for your friend and your sister. Good heavens know what's gonna happen to her if she gets too close with that, man." Jeno said, Yang Yang and Xiaojun still reading the news and Renjun looking at the two dancing pair which consisted of the drug dealer and his sister.
Without thinking clearly with all the things upon his mind, Renjun went to the direction Renxiang and Yuta were, pulling her off the man.
"Watch who you're trying to mess with, Nakamoto. Keep your dirty businesses to yourself, but don't you dare even involve my sister, or else." Renjun said, one hand holding Renxiang's wrist tight and protectively. Renxiang was enraged, looking at her brother.
"What the hell is wrong with you?! One moment you're freaking mad at me then the next you're like this?" Renxiang said, whispering to Renjun loudly, but the boy ignored her and had a stare down with the Nakamoto heir.
"Or else what, mister Huang? Gonna beat me up? You aren't even my height, I don't want to pick on someone who isn't my own size and is too young, sorry. I bet Renxiang doesn't even want you as her twin, don't you, young princess?" Yuta said, smirking. Renxiang was mad about this, ready to charge at the man. Luckily, Xiaojun and Yang Yang came quickly, restraining the twins.
"You can speak badly about me, but don't you ever speak about my brother like that! I'm the only one who can do that and our friends!" She yelled, getting everyone's attention. Their parents quickly made their way to the scene that's getting worse, along with their friends. Taeyong sat at the bar, looking quietly at what's happening. So Mr. Twin knows what happened, huh. He thought, still looking at the scene and sipping on his champagne.
"Hey hot stuff." Someone said beside him, squeezing his arm, which Taeyong quickly puts away.
"Sorry, don't wanna have a one night stand. Find someone else available who's on your level." Taeyong said, not bothering to look at her. The lady huffed going away.
"What's going on, sweetie?" Renxiang's mother asked the twins.
"This bastard keeps on hitting on my sister. He's a-"
"Don't you dare say it." Yuta said, ears getting red from anger.
"Or else what? Your reputation's gonna get ruined? Mister, it's already ruined the moment you-" Yuta then punched Renjun straight in the face. Yuta's parents quickly held him back, while Renjun and Renxiang's friends went forward in the middle of them.
"Mr. Nakamoto, I must say you have a short temper. I don't have a problem with it, but I'll have when you hurt one of our friends. Please try restraining yourself next time, it isn't a good sight for the other guests." Kun said calmly. Yuta growled, eyes filled with anger.
"Mr. And Mrs. Nakamoto, with all due respect, please teach your child some manners. We cannot believe an elite would ever do that, especially to our children! We'll call the deal off, I'm sorry." Renxing said, looking at Yuta's parents.
"And you," he now looked at Yuta dead in the eye, pointing at him.
"Don't you ever lay a hand on my children ever again. This is just a warning, Mr. Nakamoto, the next time you do this, let's see each other formally in the court." He said. Yuta chuckled suddenly, making the others look at him.
"The pleasure's all mine, Mr. Huang Renxing. By the way, your young princess really looks ravishing tonight, looks good to eat." Yuta said, licking his lips seductively and looking at Renxiang, her looking at him directly. She stepped forward, face-to-face with the Japanese man. She then inched her face closer to Yuta's ear, whispering,
"Never in a million years would I dream to be with a low-life like you. Ever," and punched his face hard. Taeyong, who was watching, had his eyes go wide because of what happened. He didn't know what they were saying, but he did know that Renxiang won't go near Yuta again.
"Well, she's a tough daisy." Taeyong muttered to himself, surprised that a lady that small can punch that hard.

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Fanfiction☠︎︎ 𝔪𝔞𝔣𝔦𝔞! 𝔞𝔲 ☠︎︎ 𝔱𝔞𝔢𝔶𝔬𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔲 "Cherie, you know I'll always save you." started: august 2020 finished: december 16, 2020