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"Welcome back to Korea, guys." Johnny said to Kun, Ten, and the twins. They finally arrived in Korea. The flight they took was a  3AM flight, so not much people were at the airport. Johnny and Doyoung were the ones to fetch them as the others were doing other things. They all put their bagagges and went to find their seats at the van Johnny was driving. 

"So, how many days are you staying?" Doyoung asked, referring to Ten and Kun.

"We'll leave immediately tomorrow. Just really wanted to accompany these two." Kun said. The car ride to the mansion was quiet since they were still all sleepy. Renxiang was cuddled next to Renjun at the back seat wearing her earphones, Renjun & Ten were using their phone, and both Doyoung and Kun were looking out the window, listening to the song playing on the radio. Since the mansion was in a very exclusive area that only a few people know, they had to take a one hour drive. After that hour has passed, they arrived.

Two men with guns opened a very big gate for the van to enter. They arrived at the front area of the mansion, Renjun noticing this and waking Renxiang up.

"Hey heavy, we're here." He softly shook her awake, shaking her shoulder. She opened her eyes slowly, yawning, then stretching. Her eyes took awhile to adjust, but the first thing she saw when she got off the van was the mansion that kind of looked like WayV's base in a way. Some NCT members were waiting at the front door for them to arrive to help them. 

"Welcome to NCT, idiot!" Chenle said in Chinese, approaching the lad and punching Renjun's shoulder, making him wince. Chenle noticed his twin, waving to Renxiang. The girl waved back, a lazy smile on her face since she just woke up. They all went inside the mansion, Johnny telling someone to fetch Taeyong. The twins, Ten, and Kun sat at the couch in the living room with Chenle, Johnny and Doyoung accompanying them.

"So, gonna live here now, aye?" Chenle said, raising both of his eyebrows and smiling. Renjun and Renxiang nodded in sync, making Chenle giggle at the thought of them having twin telepathy. A few minutes later, so many men and boys went down, including Taeyong.

"Welcome to the NCT base, Huangs. Let me properly introduce myself once and for all, my name's Lee Taeyong and I'm the mafia boss of the whole NCT mafia group. We currently have 4 units: NCT U, our indefinite group, NCT DREAM, our youngsters, which is also our research, group NCT 127,our main Seoul group and of course, WayV, our China team." Taeyong then started explaining to them what they'll mainly do and the rules.

"The most important rule is to follow the rules." The mafia boss said. 

"By the way, Renjun, sadly, you won't have your own room. Instead, you're gonna sleep with DREAM, since basically that's gonna be your unit. Renxiang, as the only girl, you're gonna have your own room next to mine. All the rooms are at the 2nd floor and you have your own bathroom." Some of the youngers whined at hearing her privilages as the only girl, making the others either pat their back or chuckle. Everyone then started introducing themselves, Renxiang starting to get confused with so many names. 

"Renxiang, you'll be part of NCT U, by the way. You'll be trained by Taeil since he's the head of medics here. For other trainings, we'll just tell you later." Johnny informed the girl with her nodding. They then disperesed, getting back to what they were doing before. Ten and Kun helped the twins with their luggages. Thankfully, the base had an elevator. 

"I never expected NCT to be this many, what the hell!" Renxiang exclaimed, overwhelmed by the number of members. Ten and Kun chuckled at their friends.

"We're just getting started, we still don't even have a Japanese, Philippines, Indonesian, and Thai unit, which we kinda need." Kun explained.

They arrived at the 2nd floor. Renjun found his room with Kun and Renxiang with Ten. She opened the door and examined the huge room carefully ans entering. The bed was a queen sized one, perfect for her. It had 4 pillows and a pastel blue comforter, her favorite color. The walls were also pastel blue. There was a big closet door attached to the wall with a big mirror. Confused, Renxiang opened it and was surprised.

One side was empty full of hangers and shelves for her clothes, bags, and shoes. But the other one?

It was full of guns, bullets and other weapons at the top, and nursing tools at the bottom. She gasped, making Ten approach her and look at what she was looking at. His eyes went wide too. Even on their base they didn't have a walk-in closet, only Kun and Ten.

"Perks of being the only girl I guess."  Ten said, chuckling.

"By the way, thank Taeyong for this. He was the one who arranged all of this." Renxiang had an eyebrow raised.

"Isn't he too busy for interior designs?"

"Rexiang, if it's for you, he wouldn't be busy."

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