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Renxiang woke up alone in Ten and Kun's room. She stood up and stretched and felt hungry, so with that, she went to go to the kitchen. But feeling that she was sore from all the beatings, she only walked slowly but surely. Before going to the kitchen, she went to see Renjun. She missed her twin, having to go through that traumatic experience alone will never leave her.

She knocked on the Dreamies's room. Chenle opened the door, seeing Renxiang that beat up and all bruised made him sad and hugged her softly.

"We're so glad you're safe now, jie." He softly whispered to her. He and Renxiang weren't that close, but being the same nationality maede him feel slightly at home when he's with her. Renxiang smiled at the soft boy and lets go of the hug, looking behind him to see a depressed-looking Renjun. Chenle excused himself, knowing that they needed alone time.

"Injunnie," She softly said, enough for him to hear. Renjun looked at where the voice came from. Seeing it was his twin, he teared up as he saw how awful she looked. He pulled her into a hug, crying on her shoulders.

"You dumbass! I was gonna lose my mind! Why did they do this to you?" He cried. Renxiang softly smiled, missing her brother's hugs.

"Shouldn't I be the one crying, Jun?" She chuckled. She lets go of the hug and wipes Renjun's tears, hugging him once more. He cried harder, gripping on her waist tighter, never wanting to let her out of his sight.

"Let's get something to eat, yeah? You seem like you had a long day." Renxiang said. They went down to the kitchen where the chefs were, greeting Renxiang and Renjun. It was already past lunch time, everyone ate except for them. They saw some of the members who were just about to finish eating, greeting them with smiles. Shotaro was there, also, with Donghyuck. Renxiang waved to him, happy that he looks happy, too.

The maids served them their food and they dug in as if they haven't eaten anything properly since last night. Which was true.

"Slow down, Huangs." Kun said as he passed by and brought his plate to the sink. They nodded, but continued to eat, slowing down a little. Donghyuck hugged Renxiang, welcoming her back.

"Thanks, Hyuck," she smiled. Upon seeing Kun again, Renxiang asked where Ten was. Kun told her that he was watching a movie in the theater room that just started. so she made a mental note to go there later. Renjun and Renxiang kept on eating silently, enjoying the presence of each other.

Meanwhile, Taeyong, who was busy inside his office, planned to go to the kitchen to get a drink. He walked to the kitchen, seeing the twins eating and laughing, sharing stories together. He passed by them, smiling at both of them.

"Renxiang, a word with you after both of you finish eating, please. Just knock on my office door anytime." He then gulped the water he poured in a glass of water, going straight to his office without a word again. Renxiang continued eating with her brother, finishing after a few minutes. She decided to go to Taeyong's office before talking to Ten, so after eating, she left Renjun with Donghyuck and Chenle who were playing games.

She knocked on Taeyong's office door, hearing a 'come in!' from the inside. She opened the door to see a messy office. The last time she was there, everything was neat. But when something happened to her, he vent out his anger and frustration through throwing papers and documents in his office, a place that not everyone can access but him. She looked around the room, thinking how it went this messy. Taeyong scratched the back of his neck.

"Sorry, just, to vent out anger last night, you know?" He said, making Renxiang as him why.

"Renxiang, he undressed you from head to toe and abused you so much, do you think I won't get angered- no, enraged- at the things that monster did to you?" He said, walking closer and tucking the girl's loose hair strands. Renxiang stayed silent and looked away, remembering what happened again. She closed her eyes, telling herself to be calm and just forget. But she couldn't, being faced with such a situation would be very difficult to handle and forget.

Taeyong saw her struggle, her tears starting to fall. He pulled her softly to her chest and caressed her hair soothingly, comforting her and telling her soft, comforting words. Renxiang accepted the hug whole-heartedly, hugging him back tightly and crying on his chest.

"It was-" She tried explaining, but before she could, she cries even harder. Taeyong shushed her and continued on soother her hair and comforting her.

"You don't have to tell me, Cherie, okay? We're here now, right? It's all good now. We have the situation under control, he won't bother you anymore, my Cherie." He softly said, making Renxiang nod. She suddenly chuckled, making Taeyong look at her confused.

"I'm literally already 20 yet I look like a cry-baby." Taeyong softly smiled.

"You have a valid reason to cry, Cherie. Plus, you're my baby. Got it?" He said boldly, making the girl flustered and embarrassed.

"You do know Ten and I are dating, right?" She asked. Taeyong hummed a yes, not getting off their hugging position.

"It doesn't mean you guys are together now, does it?" Taeyong smirked, looking down at her. Damn you, good looking mafia boss, she thought. Renxiang let go of the hug and wiped her tears using her sweater paws and looked at Taeyong.

"Thank you, yongie. You're always saving my ass." She said, smiling at him.

"Cherie, as a man who likes you, I'll never get tired of saving your ass."

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