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It was now two days before the party. The twins, their cousin & friends, and their parents are now at the airport, waiting for their private plane to arrive from the hangar. Of course, all of them would ride one plane, the more the merrier, right? The older ones were on the other side of the plane, including Kun, which was chatting with his mother. The younger ones were on the back seats of the plane, enjoying champagne (well, the legal ones) and coke while talking amongst each other. 

"Do you even look forward to the party?" Renxiang asked no one in particular. 

"Of course, dumbass. We're all here for that, right? Plus, I heard the Zhong family will be there, we're gonna see Chenle again! Isn't that great?" Renjun said, excited to meet his younger friend while drawing something on his sketchbook. The Zhong family had lived in Seoul for about 5 years now, moving their headquarters from Beijing to Seoul, seeing that there business was more successful there. 

Renxiang shrugged, not really interested. Only Renjun was close to the boy, being with him most times when they were in Seoul while Renxiang was mostly touring around the city with either their parents or just herself. 

Hours later, they already landed. Renxiang fell asleep a while ago, her head rested on Renjun's shoulder while he was drawing now on his iPad. He shook slightly the shoulder that Renxiang's head was, making her flutter her eyes opening and rubbing them.

"Wake up, we're here." Renjun said softly. Renxiang nodded her head, yawning and checking her phone. It was 5PM in Beijing, meaning it was already 6PM where they are now. The flight attendants helped them with their luggage, Renxiang only having her backpack as her carry-on baggage. She walked with her twin going outside the plane, grabbing his hand and swinging their hands together. Their sibling relationship was quite bipolar. One minute they're arguing, the next they're all soft and very caring for each other. But what kind of sibling doesn't have that relationship, right? 

Their family secretary was beside their parents, telling them their schedules and what they're gonna do. 

"Tonight, you are all going to try to fit what you're gonna wear on Saturday, sir. For last minute changes or so." Their father nodded silently. 

"Any plans while we're here, pa?" Renxiang asked, hoping that they would go to Lotte world. 

"Nothing much, princess. If you'd like to go somewhere with Renjun and your friends, you're always free to do so. Unless we have to do something that moment, at least." Hearing that, Renxiang clasped her hands and looked at her friends and brother.

"Lotte world, it is!" She said excitedly. 

They arrived at the airport that was crowded with reporters and paparazzi ready to take photos of the elite families from China. Everyone who was updated in the elite's lives have known that they would have an acquaintance party there in Korea, so they didn't wanna miss the chance of snapping airport photos of them. 

They arrived at the car that will head to the hotel where most of the elites were staying. A one hour ride later, each of the families' cars came in-front of the hotel entrance to unload. Renxiang then saw Lucas and ran to him, hugging him. 

"So now I'm your favorite?" Lucas said teasingly, receiving his cousin's love. Renxiang sniffed his jacket, smelling the manly cologne his cousin had. 

"Renjun didn't want to hug me." She explained. Lucas nodded and they separated, now going inside to wait for their parents in the lobby. She sat beside her brother who was busy sketching yet again. She rolled her eyes and took her twin's sketchbook. 

"Will you please stop sketching for once and talk to your lovely sister?" She asked, keeping his sketchbook in her arms. 

"But you're no fun to talk to-" he then earned a smack from his sister.

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