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They arrived at the mansion, Ten still carrying Renxiang's fragile body as they walk inside. Yuta was carried by Jungwoo and Jaehyun to their torture room to be talked to by Taeyong later. Shotaro just followed along where Doyoung was going. 

"Let me get you some food." Doyoung said to the younger to which he nodded obediently, staying and sitting on the living room couch. Shotaro scanned the living room, seeing that it was already clean yesterday's events. Doyoung got him some kimbap and cola, going to the living room. He set down the tray of food on the coffee table, Shotaro thanking him and eating immediately. Shotaro's eyes widened and smiled widely, enjoying the food.

"Did they not feed you well there?" Doyoung asked with concern. The younger shook his head.

"Well, they only give me the exact money I need for my mom's hospital bills and that's it. I only eat there when Yuta has leftovers, which is just once in a while. But other than that, there would be nice guards there that'll give me some of their food." Doyoung pouted after hearing the boy's concern.

"Since basically everyone's crazy rich here, especially the leader, you won't have to worry about anything if you decide to join us. Okay? Is it okay too, if I ask about your mom?"

"Well, my mom's  in the ICU and my younger brother's still in school. Dad left, so I'm the basically the bread winner. I was originally a drug pusher, but then Yuta found me while we were doing business so he took me in and made me his assistant." He said, repeating what he said to Renxiang yesterday.  Doyoung nodded, understanding his situation. 

"We'll take care of your financial problems and  you'll have proper necessities here, not like in Yuta's. But you do know you gotta work for us too, right?" He asked. Shotaro nodded, knowing how the mafia works. Doyoung never left him, talking to him comfortably as if they've been friends since ages. Shotaro felt nice and at home, he felt happy for once ever since he entered the mafia world. 

On the other hand, Taeyong now went to Ten and Kun's room to check up on Renxiang, who was now cuddled into Ten's arms. Once he saw the two, his heart felt sad. I should've been him if it wasn't for my shit pride, he thought to himself as he knocks and enters the room. Ten looked at him and he sat beside the bed, admiring the peaceful Renxiang. 

"Thank you," Ten muttered. Taeyong furrowed his brows in confusion. Ten continued, "for always taking care of her. I know you guys aren't in good terms, but thank you. I know you're secretly taking care of her even if she doesn't speak to you anymore, and I'm grateful that you love her that much." Taeyong's eyes widened, love?

"Love? What-" 

"Hyung, I can see it in your eyes and even in your actions that you love her. Not just because she's now part of the mafia, not because you treat her as a little sister, but because you love her." Ten smiled a little. Taeyong looked down, not even aware that he feels like that. 

"I think I'll let her go, hyung." Taeyong looked back up to meet Ten's eyes, confused as to why he said that. 

"A few months ago, when I confessed to her, I thnk it was an impulse decision, you know? Like, I just said that because I'll miss being with her and all that. Don't get me wrong, the times we spent together were and will always be precious to me, but yeah." He finished, now looking at the still sleeping Renxiang who has her head on his chest. Taeyong nodded, understanding. 

"But you gotta fix your relationship first, Hyung. You gotta keep your pride at a minimum if you wanna be with her. She's more stubborn than you think," Ten chuckled, caressing Renxiang's hair. Taeyong nodded once again, seeing how precious Renxiang was to Ten by his actions. The way Ten looks at her isn't filled with romantic love, but a love that only friends can have. Philia. 

But Taeyong didn't feel that way for Renxiang, for his Cherie. For he felt that is was more than just Philia, the love between friends. Instead, he felt Eros, the romantic love. He confirms to himself that he loves Renxiang, for there was no point on denying it. Hearing Ten tell him that he'll let Renxiang go made him happy yet angry. Why waste time on dating her when you weren't even sure of your feelings towards her?  He thought to himself. 

As he goes back to his room, he receives a call from Johnny, informing him about Yuta. Finally, he thought. He went down to the torture room to see the beaten state of Yuta, the man who hurt his Cherie. 

He grins as he sees the beat Nakamoto Yuta, blood trickling down his forehead and mouth, eyes blindfolded. His hands were still tied down, him catching his breath fro everything that they did to him. Taeyong held his chin, wiping off a bit of blood off. He fakely pouted at him, pretending to be sad.

"Aw, si Nakamoto all beat up? Did you enjoy it, huh?" Taeyong asked. Yuta coughed up blood, not being able to answer. Taeyong chuckled, letting go and standing up.

"Call Moon and tell him to aid this man." And with that, Taeyong left, leaving Yuta alone with Johnny and Jaehyun to play with more. 

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