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warning: smol gore, blood ahead! it's by the end of this chapter dw

Taeyong and Mark arrived at the base quickly. When they got inside the mansion, everything was broken. NCT's big group photo that hanged in the living room was destroyed, some men were laying on the ground with a pool of blood, vases and other things were broken, and the other members were helping each other. Not everyone was injured, thankfully. Taeil was currently aiding Johnny, while Doyoung, Jisung, Renjun, Kun, and Jaemin were aiding the others.

"How the hell did they get here?" Taeong exclaimed, getting everyone's attention.

"The first thing we heard was windows in Renxiang's room breaking and her scream for help. Johnny and Jaehyun went there immediately since they were the closest, but when they got there Renxiang was no where to be found. Next thing we know, men started arriving from nowhere with big ass guns. The Dreamies are all safe, thankfully. They hid in the research office." Taeil explained. Taeyong sighed, realizing that there was another rising problem. 

"We were outnumbered, hyung. We were shocked that he had that many men." Kun said. 

Taeyong and Mark started helping the Dreamies clean the base before they do a meeting while Taeil and Doyoung aid the injured with Jisung and Jeno's help. 


When it was dinner time, they all ate together silently, still in a state of shock from what happened in the afternoon. Taeyong started thinking of possible places where Renxiang was and why did Yuta strike again. It was obvious that he still wanted WayV, so they took the only girl. He thought of how Yuta knew the location of their base.

Yuta knew that Taeyong and she had something, Yuta knew that Ten and she are having something. Yuta knew everything. He has a man inside NCT, how would he not? 

One person was especially quiet. Renjun. Altough they don't always get along, he worried alot for Renxiang. Of course, she's his twin. If twin telepathy was real, he was actually feeling the same things Renxiang was at the moment. Fear, anger, confusion, worry. 

Fear  for they did not know what Yuta is capable of. They both didn't know who really was Nakamoto Yuta and what kind of person he really is. 

Anger for Renjun was angry at himself for not protecting his twin enough. Anger towards Yuta, towards himself. Renxiang was angry too, at herself, for not fighting back. 

Confusion as to why Yuta took her and only her. Why not the others? Why only her? Why did he need to do this? Is this the price we pay for joining the mafia? These questions kept popping in their heads. 

Worry. Renjun was worried about her well-being, if she was safe and treated properly. Worried that they might not even find her. 

With so many things in his head, he decided not to eat anymore. He took his leftovers in the kitchen and proceeded to the Dreamies' room. Some of the members had their gazes on him, worried about him, especially Kun and Doyoung, who grew closer to him when they started living in Korea. 

Renjun went straight to their shared room, lying down and looking at the ceiling, not even having the energy to fight off the tears that were starting to flow down his face. His cries were silent, yet everyone can hear from downstairs his worries. Chenle, being concerned about his friend, stood up and went to their room, but was stopped by Kun.

"Give him some time. He needs alone time." Chenle understood and sat back down to eat. 

Two more people were greatly affected by the disappearance of Renxiang. Ten and Taeyong. Both were silent, not talking to anyone. They were both deep in thoughts, too. But that changed when a maid went to Taeyong, handing him his phone. A video was sent to him by unknown number. He played the video and saw Renxiang. His fist was now balled, anger bubbling inside of him. The other members were watching the video with him, especially Ten.

"Please, stop! Why are you doing this to me?!" Renxiang cried as she was being whipped on her back, fresh wounds reproducing again and again. Yuta made sure she was naked while they were torturing her. Shotaro couldn't take it, so he left. 

"Yeah, you like that?" Yuta laughed while she was being whipped once again. Yuta made the person whipping her stop for a while, coming closer to her and holding her bloody chin and facing the camera. 

"See what's happening to your precious Renxiang, NCT? She'll be fine once you give me WayV. Decide in 24 hours or else..." He got his gun from his pocket and pointed at her  head, making her flinch and close her eyes, muttering prayers of help. 

"A bullet would go straight to her brains." He laughed and made funny faces towards the tortured Renxiang. And with that, the video ended. 

"No one will tell Renjun about this, got it? He's already in so much pain. Kun, Ten, Johnny, meeting after dinner." Taeyong said. The members nodded, taking note not to tell Renjun what they saw. Ten didn't notice he was already crying while seeing the girl he likes being tortured so bad. Everything that was happening right now was already hard for everyone, what more could there be?

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