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The scene was too familiar to Renxiang. All she did in her room was just browse on her phone while lying in bed. She was just casually looking at her SNS accounts, checking to see if there was anything new. 

That was all she did. 

Until two men in all black went inside her room through breaking the window with big guns. She immediately stood up and made a run for it, knowing that she won't win this fight. But the men were faster and caught her. The last thing she remembered was looking at Yuta straight in the eye, spitting in his face and being hit in the back on her head. 

The next thing she knew, both her hands were tied at the back of the chair she was sitting on, blood was dripping at her temple, stomach growling, and mouth closed shut by a tight rope that was tied on to her mouth. 

She was inside a dim-lit room that looked way worse than the room she and Renjun were months back. She scanned the room, seeing that there were no windows and no men. She looked at the door, but to her misfortune, its lock was a passcode. The doors were made of steel, making it actually look like a prison, her being the prisoner. She then saw a man checking up on her through the windows of the door, then yelling at someone in Japanese. The man left, not saying anything more. 

A few more minutes later, she heard a sound from the door, seeing that it was opened. 

"My, my, you look like shit, Princess Huang." Yuta said, wearing a formal business attire. She looked at his appearance and saw that his hair was dyed dark blue. He even added one more piercing, on his nose. 

"Missed me that much, princess? Don't worry, you can look at me all day if you want
You're not leaving here anyways." He chuckled. Even when she was weak, she felt the urge to roll her eyes. The boy he was with before was still there with him behind him. She looked at the boy and observed him closely while Yuta kept on talking. Shotaro felt her staring, so he looked back at her, creating a small staring contest.

"Well, I'll be taking my leave for now. Shotaro if you don't mind, take care of her a little, would ya? So she'd look more okay or whatever." With that, Yuta left, leaving Shotaro by himself holding  a first aid kit. He starts cleaning her face with a wet cloth, being sure to be gentle. He took off the rope on her mouth, seeing that her mouth was slightly bruised. 

"You okay?" He asked gently in Chinese. 

"Does it look like I'm okay?" She weakly responded. Shotaro ignored her statement and continued aiding her. He then used the wet cloth again on the blood stains on her forehead. 

"For a mafia member, you sure are gentle." She quietly said. Shotaro gave her a small smile. 

"Trust me, if I had a choice? I wouldn't even be here." Renxiang's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 

"My mom's sick. She's currently in the ICU and my younger brother's still in school. Dad left, so I'm the basically the bread winner. I was originally a drug pusher, but then Yuta found me while we were doing business so he took me in and made me his assistant." He said, combing now her hair. 

"I'm now one of them. And it hurts to see innocent people like you be hurt like this." He quietly said, careful that people might hear him. She quietly listened to him, finding somewhat comfort that Shotaro was there. 

"They'll find you, somehow. Give it 5 days and you'll be out of here," he continued. 

"Why don't you come with us if they help me escape? They'll treat you better there, Shotaro." She said. He shook his head, chuckling. 

"If Yuta finds out that I'll be one of you guys, he might chop my head off the moment we see each other." 

"Shotaro, if NCT gets me out of here successfully, which will most likely happen, be one of us. Leave this shit gang. I swear, you'll be treated better there," she paused for awhile and continued, "I'll even help you with your finances. No fees, just be part of us. Please?" 

"I'll think about it, okay? I'll see you later, Renxiang." He said, packing the first aid kit and going out of the room. With that, the girl was left alone again with herself, thinking.

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