4. The Only Family I've Got

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*Van's POV*

I woke up to incessant knocking on my door and groaned. I turned to my side and used my pillow to muffle the sound.

"Wake up, Van! We know you're in there!" I heard Austin shout through the door. Fuck's sake, what time is it? I could see the golden sunrise casting light against the wall. It must be early. Do these kids ever sleep?

"Um...this isn't Van. You have the wrong room!" I shouted out in desperation. I was knackered and didn't feel like waking up. Not only that, I didn't want to deal with these two at 8 AM or whatever time it was. I slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, yawning.

"Oh, sorry! I swear he was in room 1126...." Austin apologized.

"What are you doing, Austin?" I heard Jacob ask.

"Leaving. We have the wrong room."

"No, this is the right room, idiot. That was definitely Van's voice."

"Oh, he sounds different."

"Well, he just woke up."

I stood up and made my way to the door, opening it just a crack. I could see them beaming back at me.

"Good morning!" Austin shouted cheerily.

"Pipe down, would ya? I just woke up," I complained. "Besides, what time is it?"

"It's almost 8:30 AM. Let's grab some breakfast."

"Um...just give me half an hour and I'll meet you in the lobby at say, 9?"

"Sure thing!" They took off running down the hall and I closed the door. Luckily none of my neighbors were stirring due to the ruckus they caused.

I walked back in and pulled the curtains aside. It was indeed a beautiful morning. I opened the door to the balcony and stepped out into the cool, crisp morning air and took a deep breath. I could see my fags and lighter on the ground from last night so I picked it up, placing a fag in my mouth and lighting it. I put my hands on the railing and looked down at the busy street below. The day was just starting and you could see the hustle and bustle of the city below. Traffic was just beginning and people were on the streets below rushing to get somewhere.

Once I finished my cigarette, I stepped back inside and got ready for the day. Looking in the mirror, I had prominent bags under my eyes from last night and I prayed the boys wouldn't say anything. I walked into the kitchen absentmindedly opening the fridge, which I knew was empty, and then filled myself a glass of water to drink. My eyes scanned the kitchen and I realized I was going to have to stock up on food and essentials. I'm going to have to buy a kettle, some tea, milk, and sugar. My list of things to buy just kept getting longer. At this rate, I'm going to run out of money in days.

I realized I was taking too long. I put on my boots and grabbed the jacket I had purchased yesterday and threw it on. I grabbed my fags and lighter and whatever amount of money I had left. I walked down the hallway towards the lift, pressing the button to go down. I didn't have to wait long until the lift arrived and I pressed the button for the lobby.

"Hold the elevator, would ya?" I heard someone shout. I placed my arm out to hold the door and a familiar face entered the lift. "Thank you!" Her eyes scanned the buttons and she saw that I had pressed the button for the lobby. She then looked up at me, immediately recognizing me. "It's you."

"It's me," I replied, grinning. "Thanks for the ciggies and lighter, by the way. Now that I've got my ID, I'm all sorted out. Do you live here?"

"Yeah. Do you?"

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