6. Two Years Is a Long Time

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*Jess's POV*

Two years later

I smoothed out my dress and took a good look at myself in the mirror. I haven't made an effort to dress up in ages. That's what medical school does to you. The stress and sleepless nights eat away at you to the point you stop caring about how you look. But today was a special day. Today we were celebrating Ryan graduating high school.

It's a weird time we're in right now with the pandemic going on. Ryan's senior year in high school was cut short in March when everything went online. And because of the pandemic, he couldn't have a proper graduation ceremony. Liz tried her best with what she had. She decided we were going to have a small gathering against Ryan's wishes. I knew Ryan so well to the point I knew he'd rather be left alone.

"Are you done yet, Jess?" my mom called out.

"Yes!" I shouted. I grabbed my purse and headed down the stairs. My mom walked up to me and straightened my dress before placing her hands on my shoulders.

"You look gorgeous, Jess. If Matt was here, I'm sure he'd be impressed." My mom turned around to put her shoes on and I rolled my eyes. It's been two years since she's last seen him and she's still thinking about him! Well I don't blame her—I'm still thinking about him too, though I try not to.

After my project of trying to put together the mirror backfired, I realized it wasn't healthy for me to hold onto Van. My chances of seeing him again was nonexistent. And even if we were to see each other again, things wouldn't work out. What we had was fun but I didn't want to go through that pain again...or at least that's what I tell myself.

I've gone on a couple dates here and there  since then but nothing ever worked out. I think I set my standards too high because I didn't feel that spark that I felt with Van. I wondered if he thought about me as much as I thought about him. My mom headed for the door and I stopped her.

"Mom, where's your mask?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"We're just going to the Fuller's—"

"You're wearing a mask. Don't argue with me," I told her, handing her a mask.

I was being a bit harsh but I was doing this to protect her. Working in the hospital, I saw firsthand how terrible this virus was and I didn't want my mom to catch it. Having just finished my second year of medical school, I even quarantined myself for two weeks so I could spend my short summer at home before returning for my third year.

We made our way over to the Fuller's house. Liz greeted us at the door and had us walk through her house to the backyard. I looked around her garden which was lush and full of blooms. There was food set up on the table Van and I used to sit at and I sighed.

"Where's Ryan?" my mom asked Liz.

"Oh, he's upstairs changing. I told him to change into something nicer," Liz responded. I could hear the back door open and we all looked to see Ryan at the door, scowling. He was wearing a dark blue dress shirt with tan trousers. "Speaking of the devil," Liz joked.

"Congratulations, Ryan! How does it feel to be done with high school?" my mom tried.

"You have no idea how happy I am to be done," Ryan answered, smiling.

"Oh...so you aren't going to miss it?"

"Nope. Not one bit." Liz nudged Ryan gently, embarrassed about how her son was behaving.

"Have you decided what university you're going to study at?" I asked. I knew he was excited for university because he'd be able to study what he wanted.

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