8. What Are You Reading?

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*Van's POV*

I sat up in bed trying to process what I had just dreamt about. That can't be right. There's no way that can happen. The mirror's broken. I switched on the light and pulled out my notebook, writing down the details of the dream I just had. I saw Amy cleaning the furniture room and then she leant against the mirror to rest and fell through. She fucking disappeared into the mirror!

I flipped through the pages of my notebook trying to put all the dreams together. First I dreamt about her talking to Bondy about the two things I asked her to do. Then I dreamt about her talking to Adam which made me livid. I couldn't fathom why she'd go back to him after all he's done, but listening in on their conversation, I knew she had a reason—a very good one. That's when I realized the dreams I had weren't ordinary dreams. The way Adam described it made perfect sense and I wish there was a way to tell Amy that I dream about her too and that (as much as I hate it) Adam was right. And then I saw her writing her dreams down into a notebook, trying to figure out where I was but she was unsuccessful. And then she fell through the mirror.

That sparked excitement in me. Was she reunited with her brother and Jess? I yearned to see them once again, even if it's through a dream. How much have they changed in two years? Did Jess get into medical school? I bet you she did. I have no doubt about it.

I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. My mind was racing all night about how the mirror was working again. How did they get it to work? What does this mean for us? It pained me that Amy was reunited with her brother and Jess but I wasn't there. I have no way of reaching them. Or at least I don't think so. I've been meaning to go to the library to do some research but never had the time. I guess I have to make time then.



We were sat at the table eating breakfast. We made it a regular thing to eat breakfast together a few days a week, me and the boys. Over time, I've come to enjoy their company and I loved learning more about them—about their past and about their personality.

Life has gotten better in the two years that I've been here. I admit it was rough at first but things have gotten better. I've managed to explore a good portion of the city, having gone to almost every shop, restaurant, and park this area has to offer. I've also made some friends. Despite having two bedrooms in my flat, I was starting to acquire way too much stuff for my flat. I've managed to save enough money to buy a guitar so I've been writing songs and playing music again, trying to remember the lyrics and chords I left behind in limbo. The balcony was my favorite place in the flat—it's where I spent most of my time. I bought a table and chair and placed it outside so I can sit for hours and just think.

On summer evenings, I'd grab my guitar and notebook and take the subway to my favorite park. Oddly enough, it's called Hawthorne Park and I imagine you can guess why it's my favorite, although this park is way better. You can hike up a large grassy hill, and once you're at the top, you have the best view of the city down below. The skyline never changes but the view never gets old. It's especially beautiful during sunset and at night.

Now that it's September and almost going to October, I can tell that I won't be able to spend hours on this hill anymore. The weather is getting cooler and the days shorter. I still don't know what city we're in exactly but I've come to learn in two years that this place experiences all four seasons which is nice.

"So what's the plan for today?" Austin asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. The boys are very good at getting me to go somewhere or try something new. It's how I've come to explore so much of the city in two years.

"Um...how about we go to the library?" I suggested casually. Austin wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"Now why would you want to go there?"

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