22. Love Always Finds a Way

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*Van's POV*

I stared at the clock. It was almost 9 PM and Austin was still playing with Shadow, not showing any signs of leaving. The next day, he came, wanting to play with Little Amy. I told him about the name change and he told me he was glad because he thought Little Amy was a strange name and I had to agree.

At first, he'd stay for an hour. And then one hour turned into two hours, and next thing you know, he's in my flat for half the day. I have to admit I'm getting a little jealous. Shadow's highlight of the day would be Austin's visit. This is my fucking dog. I didn't spend $5,000 for her to think that Austin was her owner!

"Y'know Austin..." I began. "You've been spending a lot of time here lately." I was leaning against the counter, picking at a dead leaf off a plant.

"What about it?" Austin asked, scratching Shadow's ears.

"If you wanted to move in, you should've just told me so I can start charging you rent. We're basically married now. You're even leaving shit at my place." I hid my smile behind the plant. I loved messing with him.

"What? No," he countered.

"You left your jacket here the other night. I even have it hanging in my closet." I opened my closet and pulled out his jacket to prove my point.

"Oh. Sorry."

"What's next? Are you going to ask to spend the night?"

"Can I?"


"I thought we were married," Austin joked.

"I change my mind. I want a divorce."

"Can I keep Shadow?"


Austin continued playing with Shadow. He's still not getting the hint.

"It's almost 9 PM, Austin. Fuck's sake, get out," I told him.

Austin touched Shadow's nose playfully. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow Shadow. Good night."

Austin walked past me and I handed him his jacket. He walked out without saying good night and I cleared my throat.

"I don't get a good night?" I asked.

"No, you're being a jerk."

"Bastard," I said to myself, smiling. "I taught him well." I closed the door and locked it. At first, Austin was very shy, but having known him for years now, he's getting comfortable around me. We know not to take each other seriously.

I turned around to find Shadow whining about Austin being gone. She stared longingly at the door as if she expected him to come back. I scooped her up and cradled her in my arms, booping her nose.

"It's time for bed," I told her.

I got ready for bed and let her out one last time before bringing her to bed with me. I've gotten used to sleeping with her to the point I'd feel empty without her. She made herself comfortable and sighed. I took the opportunity to turn off the lights and call it a night.



I laid in bed with my eyes open. It was still early morning but I couldn't bring myself to go back to bed. I dreamt about Amy again and came to the realization that it was finally happening. Her mind was made up and she was going to join me soon.

"Hi Bondy. I miss you and the lads too," I said quietly to myself. Luckily Shadow didn't wake up so I laid there, thinking about life with Amy once again.

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