32. I Saw Her

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*Jess's POV*

My mom eventually called me back and I told her the news. She was immediately concerned, offering to come over to take care of me but I told her no.

Over the next few days, my fever subsided and I began to feel like my normal self. I was ready to go back to work but I had to follow the 14 day rule which was taking forever to go by. It was by the third day that I began to feel stir crazy. I craved human interaction and fresh air. At times, I'd find myself with the window open and I'd look outside for hours.

Ryan called me the other day saying he could help me out on weekends with chores and errands. I guess my mom told them I was sick. I told him I was fine but I appreciated the kind gesture. I found myself sanitizing the apartment once again and the chemical fumes irritated my throat and made me cough. Normally my coughing fits are quick, but this time it went on to the point I was gasping for air. Right when I began to worry, it stopped, allowing me to catch my breath.

My heart was beating fast and I was slightly panicking. I've never felt anything like this before and it worried me that I was starting to have difficulty breathing. I've heard of patients coming in with COVID-19 having difficulty breathing and needing to be on a ventilator. To prevent myself from thinking too much, I opened the window hoping the fresh air would help and it did. The cool air calmed my nerves and I wiped my tears caused by the coughing fit earlier.

Luckily I don't have to cook. My mom has been kind enough to cook for me and leave the food at my front door. She also went grocery shopping for me, leaving the bags at my door.

My internal medicine rotation is wrapping up this week and we have an exam scheduled at the end of the week. I emailed the professor about my situation and he said he will discuss with others what to do with me. It made me anxious. There was no way they'd let me take the exam at a later date as it'd be unfair to the other students but a small part of me wondered how I'd be able to take the exam when I'm still infectious. I've heard stories of professors requiring that students have two cameras on them. One in front and one behind to ensure students aren't cheating and I thought that'd be a bit too excessive as they haven't even given me time to prepare nor purchase them.

My next rotation is family medicine which I am the most excited about. I already had an idea of what it'd be like but being able to observe residents and doctors in the line of work excites me. I'll get firsthand experience on what it's like to be a family doctor. I've been messaging Cody to get updates on how things are but his response is sporadic—most likely because he's busy as well—getting as much studying in as possible.

Later in the day, I was told that my exam would be online and that I'd have to leave the camera on so they could see me taking the exam. Luckily they didn't have me purchase a second camera. I wasn't happy my exam was online; I'm the type that prefers physical exams that I can write all over. It doesn't help that I have a camera on me either. Based on where I decide to place the camera, they'd probably be staring at my forehead for hours which sounds absolutely lovely! Note the sarcasm.

Since I didn't have to be in the hospital for half the day, I found myself with extra time I never had before. Of course I used that to my advantage to study but eventually I felt ready for the exam. My head was full of every possible disease known to man to the point if my mom called me asking me what's on her back, I'd almost be happy to answer.

I thought about calling my mom but quickly thought against it. A phone call with my mom could last an hour and I'm not quite ready to lose an hour of my life. Instead, I decided to try to be healthier and do a home workout. I've been awful at exercising and thought doing some would help.

I opened up YouTube and looked for some home workout videos. Most were too advanced for me (please—I'm not that in shape) so I looked for some easy ones. Once I found a workout I liked, I changed into my workout clothes and began copying the instructor in the video.

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