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📍Assassination Base📍

"Boss you've got someone here to see you,when I asked why they said they wanted to see the new boss"I nodded.

"Bring them in"he walked back out and opened the doors.

"I wanna know who the old ass hat chose instead of me"I looked up from my phone.

"I know that's not my babyyy"she ran and jumped on my lap making me groan.

"What you doin here"I'm genuinely confused.

"I told my Maurice I was going to see who the new boss was turns out it's my stank breath Doritos smelling like nigga"she cheesed.

"Say it again and watch I throw you off my lap"

"My stank...breath...Doritos...smelli-OUCH"she sat o the floor and glared at me.

"What you did it to yourself"I shrugged and got up.

"Anyways thicky Nicky I have a meeting to go to so what you finna do"

"Hmm go with you,help me up please"I grabbed her hand and pulled her up spinning her around.

"You look good"

(Peep the drip,peep the drip💧💧)➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖

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(Peep the drip,peep the drip💧💧)

"Thanks sir you look.....meh"she skipped away and out the door.

"I look 'meh' the fuck even is a meh"


I finally caught up to her and put her over my shoulder bringing her into the meeting room which made all eyes go on us.

"Eyes away from the ass"putting my hands over her butt I walked over to my seat.

I sat down and put her on my lap.

"This week we're giving out new assignments and people are being cut and some are being killed for being snitches"

I felt z wiggle,I swear she wanna kill so damn bad.

"Who's this boss"I looked over at who was talking and shook my head.

"Who let the whores come in here"I turned my head quick asf and reached for my gun but it won't there.

"Say it again you won't"and there goes my gun in zuriyas hand and zuriya on the damn table.

"Who let the whores....come...in....here"

"That's funny how'd a dead guy get in here"I furrowed my brows and watched the show.

"What dead gu-"she cut him off by shooting him in his head.

"That dead guy"

"Do you have to smile every time you kill someone"I asked and took the gun pulling her off the table.

"I can't help it Zhara be laughing whenever someone dies it makes me wanna laugh so I end up smiling"she shrugged.


"I'm sorry babes did I ruin your meeting"she pouted.

"Nope meetings over we have cut and killed somebody now we need new people if you have recommendations,don't come to my office cause I don't trust y'all"

"Alright bye guyssss sorry if that dude was your friend...actually I'm not really sorry that was kinda fun"she waved and walked out the door.

Kinda short sorry but yeah anyways how have y'all been...

Are y'all still flat titty bitches or flat booty bitches maybe both maybe neither🙊😜

Anyways BYEE 😝

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