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|8:00pm|1 week later|
📍Cheesecake Factory📍

We were all at Cheesecake Factory and by all I mean.

Kyer and his girlfriend Taliyah,Sincere and Jaliya,Kd,Jordyn and then there is me and Ahmad.

"So me and sincere have something important to tell y'all"she played with her fingers and everyone turned their attention to her.

"We are moving to Florida,we just think that a new environment and place that we haven't been is good for us"

"Ok"I shrugged and ate some food off my plate as she gave me a confused look.

"What why you looking at me like that"I asked furrowing my brows as I fed jordyn a little piece of her pasta.

"You not sad or mad"

"Girl you grown and wherever you go,I go..simple"

"Well shit I guess we all moving to Florida then"kd shrugged and smirked looking somewhere else.

I turned my head to the direction he was looking and saw the waitress with the checkbook.

"Alright was everything okay for you guys tonight?"we all nodded and she smiled sitting down the book about to leave.

"Aye hold on a second lil mama let me holla at you"kd told her waving her back over here.

She turned around walking back over here "That's not my name"she fake smiled and walked off making kd hop up and climb over us.

"Aye lemme tell you sum lemme tell you sum"he chased after her making us laugh and shake our heads.

"Who's paying"everybody turned to look at Aj making him mug them all.

"If y'all broke just say that"he shrugged putting his card in the book closing it back up.

"I wouldn't say broke just not willing to spend money"kyer said making taliyah roll her eyes and laugh.

Their cute and my senses don't tingle or whatever when she come around,Zhara ain't said nothing either so I guess she really is the one good for him.

"Ayeeee I got the motha fucking Instagram who you know can do that easy"sin kyer and Ahmad raised their hand making kd wave them off rolling his eyes.

"You chased her that ain't seem too damn easy then you had to get the insta and not the digits sad case son I taught you better than that man do better playa"I told him feeding jordyn again and Ahmad slapped my thigh laughing.

"Leave that man alone he already got the gram I'm let him have that at least"


"I put her in her room"I told aj as he looked around.

"Ight,you for real wanna move to Florida though"he asked as he sat next to me on the couch.

"I mean yeah I already served my purpose here and I'm pretty sure they still got my base and businesses down there in Florida so I'm good"I shrugged and he mumbled an ok.

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