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|5:45pm|2 days later |
📍Assassination Base📍

"So you gonna let me go with you on this one"he shook his head no and walked back to the weapon vault.

"No,but you can go on one of your own and I'll take some of my backups"I rolled my eyes and followed him back to his office.

"But instead you can take me,I was the best killer you can ask Maurice"

"Let me hear you say PLEASE,let me hear you say PLEASEEEEEE"he sung while looking down at me.


"Hmmmm...Nope"I huffed and pushed him down onto the chair and sat on his lap stuffing my face in his neck.

"Pleasee"I traced my hands down his tattoos caressing his biceps.

"No"I grabbed his face and pulled him to look at me.

"Please"I bit my lip and looked down at him while grinding on him.

"Really"he glared at me.

"Mhm"I bit his lip and licked it.

"Gimme a kiss"he puckered his lips.

I shook my head and placed my finger over his lips.

"Not until you say I can go with you, I wanna kill"I pouted.

"Fine if I let you go with me you have to give me a kiss and 4 rounds"I nodded and cheesed.

"A kiss and sex sounds great"I kissed his lips.

"Sex?,I meant 4 rounds of monopoly"


"Don't 'bae' me you wanted to go so comply to my wishes or no killing for you"he smiled and kissed my neck.

"But-"I poked my lip out.

"But nothing get up so we can go get you ready"he patted my thigh and stood up.

I huffed and walked to the door waiting for him.

He finally made it to the door and opened it for me just as I was about to walk out,he grabbed my arm and bent down to my ear.

"I was joking,4 rounds of sex"I smiled up at him and licked his cheek.

"Ughh stop doing that,now go"he smacked my ass on the way out.

"Yessir"I put my hand up to my head and saluted him,then made my way to the outfit room.
"So this one is going to be like a drug deal but not really it's a meeting but kinda scamming him mmk"he nooded his head at my conclusion and looked down at my outfit.

"You look..."

"Fuckin' good as shit"I nodded and held my thumb up.

"But can I kill somebody"

"Yes Z you can"

"Great then we have ourselves a little fun game to play zhara"

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