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|10:15pm|The Next Morning|
📍Zuriya's house 📍

"OWWW DAMN Z"I slapped kd and mugged him.

"Shut the fuck up"Aj and sin said comin in the kitchen.

"Y'all see what she doing tho right I told ha ass to use peroxide"he slammed his hand on the counter dramatically and grabbed the alcohol holding it up with tears running down his face.

"...I-"everybody in the kitchen looked at him.

"PFFT AHHH BRUHH THIS NIGGA CRYINN"sin said running around the kitchen laughing up a fuckin storm and everybody started laughin with his ass.

"Whew Ight Ight I'm done now"sin stopped running and started catching his breath.

I looked back at kd and he was all mugging us with his middle finger up.

I laughed again and finished disinfecting the cut and put a bandaid on it the. Pushed him from in between my legs on the counter.

"What happened to yo face anyway"liya said coming in with nila behind her.

"All I know is I heard a scream" ila said laughing as she stood in between kd legs.

"So you gonna tell us or you mad"sin said pulling liya on his lap about to start laughing again.

"Don't talk to me bruh,talk to the hand"he held his hand up and laid his head on nila shoulder.

"Not talk to the hand"I chuckled and shook my head.

"I hope your small ass falls off the counter"I put my hand over my chest gasping.

"Don't be mad cause you lost"I shrugged and made grabby hands at Aj.

"Whyyy is this man madd bruh"liya groaned throwing ha head back.

"Cause he wanted to have a sword fight with zuriya and she cut his face"Aj said coming in between my legs hugging my waist while I played with his dreads.

"Ian even want to I was forced"I jolted my head back and turned towards him.

"Nigga you're lying you said 'lemme see yo sword you said you have' and so I said ok and then you was like 'you got another one' and I said yeah and so you said 'Ight cmon we gone fight' don't be mad cause you don't know how to use one.

"I-"I cut him off and put my hand up.🤚🏽

"Nahh you done log out bitch"
"Nigga hurry up and get dressed so we can go to this club"Aj told me and I hushed him going in the closet to pick out my outfit.

"What bout this"I asked as I held it up.

"Oooo bae finna be sexy"he said looking the outfit up and down,rubbed his hands together while licking his lips.

Nigga think he finna get some when we get home umm I think to think not.

I finished getting ready and grabbed my lap nine going downstairs.

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