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|Continuation of chapter 17|
📍Ahmad's House 📍

"IM SHOWERING IN YO BATHROOM BAEE"I ran into his room and went to the closet to pick out some pajamas.

I grabbed my blue silk shorts and silk tank top with my white Calvin Klein underwear.

"Bae why you can't ever take a shower in the other bathroom"he came in groaning.

"Because I don't like it"

"YOU decorated it"he slapped his hand against his forehead.

"I like your shower better,now leave me alone"I went up to him and kissed his lips.

I walked to the bathroom and turned the shower on grabbing my body wash out the cabinet.
(Again,y'all know how to take a fucking shower HOPEFULLY🙎🏽‍♀️🤠👍🏽)
"Bando what you want to eat"I asked looking over at him.

"I told you stop calling me that,you my wife not my worker"Oo not the 'wife' card.

"Ok...Bando"he glared at me and walked over to me.

"Say it again and we fighting"I stared up at him and tilted my head.

"Aww look is bando mad"I stuck my tongue out and squared up.

I threw a left hook and he dodged and threw a soft right hook catching me in my side.

"Don't go easy on me BANDO"I smirked and grabbed his fist that he tried to hit me with.

"Ahaaa gotcha fist"he grabbed my neck and pushed me towards the bed.

"Aha gotcha neck"he bit his lip while looking down at me.

"Let my neck go bando"I felt his grip tighten around my neck.

"What I say bout that name"damn nigga if you want me dead just say that.

"Not to call you that"I wrapped my legs around his waist bringing him closer to me.

"So why you keep doing it"I shrugged and wrapped my hands around his neck.

"Now I got your neck"I stuck my tongue out at him and made sure I had tight grip on his waist.

"Damn...you so fuckin fine"he licked his lips.

"And you so sexy husband"I let go of his neck and pulled at his goatee.

"Bae pick me up"I held my arms up.

"You always do this"he rolled his eyes.

"But you still did it tho"

Y'all I wanna rape this man so fucking baddd GEEZ.

"Gimme a kiss"i puckered my lips and closed my eyes.

I soon felt his soft juicy lips on mine,we kissed for a few seconds before he pulled away.

I whined and grabbed his face bringing him back to my lips.

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