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|2:02pm|3 days later|
📍Zuriya's house📍

"But she sucked dick like a fucking prooo my nigga"kd dragged while he laid on my lap.

"But that bitchh shot my brotherrrr"I shook my head laughing as Aj picked his head up from my chest and mugged the back of his head.

"So did you want her dead or not"I asked shaking my head.

He picked his head up off my lap and looked me straight in my eyeballs.

"Duh stupid she shot my nigga Aj and bout shot yo ugly ass too"I jerked my neck back and hit him in his head.

"You ain't never had to call me ugly"

"Y'all both ugly"ah said walking out the room making me and kd look over at him with our mouths hung open.

"Shut up"we said in unison and aj waved us off.

"But anyways sissy we needa find me a new dick sucker"I furrowed my brows and took his phone out his pocket.

"There we found one"I told him after I texted a number whose name was Arianna and handed him back his phone.

"Her name is ariana"he snapped his neck at me looked like his ass bout gave himself whiplash.


"What I do"I was genuinely confused.

"That's a nigga"was all he said before I made a face at him.

"That's a nigga"was all he said before I made a face at him

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"Stop playing,cause how her name Ariana"

"His momma wanted a girl"he shrugged and I slowly got up.

"You got me a nigga not a bitch I'm finna kill yo ass"I ran out the room and downstairs.

"IM SORRY I DIDN'T KNOW"I ran into the kitchen and went behind the island to hide.

"YOU SHOULD HAVE ASKED"he came behind the counter to where I was hiding and almost picked me up until I got up and ran back upstairs to the game room.

"YOU THE ONE WHO SAID YOU NEEDDD A DICK SUCKER"I yelled and went over to Aj wrapping my legs around him.

Maybe he won't grab me if I use Aj as a shield.



"Why are y'all yelling"Aj muted the mic and looked at us.

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