Chapter 19: My Day

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Jungkook's POV

I was here at the condo and Aunt Fay was outside,she was talking to someone.

I don't really know why do we have to be here at the condo because we have our own house.

When I asked her she told me to shut up and I followed her.

" have to sleep and get ready for tomorrow. It's your special day.." She said then I nodded.

It's my birthday tomorrow and I wish I would be the best day ever.


Third Person's POV

It was 5:00 pm and Jungkook and his Aunt they were about to go to their house.

Fay already greeted him. Who Jimin and others were readying. Taehyung was acting strange and Jin knew that. He want to ask him but he felt like Taehyung was just tired.

Jimin was so excited. The were preparing and Fay called Namjoon that they were on the way.

Jimin's heart was beating so fast. He was so nervous and was also excited. It's the first time that Jimin will be in Jungkook's birthday.

The door suddenly opened slowly. They were shocked. Then they saw Jungkook.

"Surprise!! Happy Birthday!!" They shouted. They didn't know that it was Jungkook so they were also shocked like Jungkook was.

Jungkook was about to cry because of happiness. Jimin walked towards him. "Happy birthday Kookie.." Jimin said while giving the letter. Jungkook was so happy and he can't explain his feelings.

He took it. He was about to open it but Jimin stopped him. "Not now.. I'm kinda shy.." Jimin said. Then he smiled. He put the letter in his packet.

"Thank you guys..." Jungkook said. All of them smiled except Taehyung.. Yeah,he was smiling but it was fake.

He just want Jimin to be happy. That's all but he was planing something since yesterday.

He don't want anyone to took Jimin away from him.

Jimin suddenly hugged Jungkook. "Happy birthday.." Jimin said then Jungkook smiled. "Thank you.." He said.

"That's enough! Let's eat!" They were shocked when Namjoon shouted.

They took some plates. Taehyung approached to Jimin. "Here.." Taehyung gave a cupcake to Jimin's plate. Jungkook was beside Jimin.

"Here Jimin" Jungkook said while giving some food. Taehyung looked at Jungkook. Jungkook stared at Taehyung.

'He is doing it again..' Jungkook thought.

"Let's seat there" Jungkook said then Jimin nodded. Jungkook smirked at Taehyung and that made Taehyung mad.

He glared at him. 'Don't make me do it.. Jungkook..' Taehyung thought. His eyes was scary.

He sat at the chair where he can see Jungkook and Jimin.

Jin saw him and decided to sat beside him.

Jin looked at him and he saw that he was looking at Jungkook and Jimin. "Are you okay Taehyung,you're acting weird.." Jin said.

Taehyung was shocked. "Ye-yes Hyung.." Taehyung said then Jin nodded.

Jimin was super happy and also Jungkook.

"Thanks for this special day..Jimin" Jungkook said with a smile.

"You're always welcome Jungkookie" Jimin said then he pecked a kiss in Jungkook's cheeks.

Jungkook smiled.

'Thank you for this special day Jimin.. I love you..'  - Jungkook


A/N: Happy birthday to our Jungkookie! Hope you stay healthy and safe! Hope you like it! Borahae! 💜

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A/N: Happy birthday to our Jungkookie! Hope you stay healthy and safe! Hope you like it! Borahae! 💜

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