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Once we got to the condo yesterday, everyone went to a room and fell back to sleep. I had finally decided I would tell Niall today, but I just had to pick the right time.

Riley and I decided to join the boys in a game of football today. I used to play all through high school until I was in a car accident and did something to my knee. I was always afraid of playing sports or anything incase I made my knee worse. But I guess today was the day I was going to try again.

Surprisingly, I could still play the same as I used to. Not that I was bragging or anything, but I was pretty good. Maybe even better than Louis. My knee must have been better because it didn’t hurt at all or affect the way I played. Football was definitely not Riley’s game. Watching her try to play was hilarious. She decided to play goal keeper so that she wouldn’t have to embarrass herself.

That didn’t work out to well.

“Fuck of Harry.” She hissed as he kept laughing. Niall and I passed the ball between the two of us, waiting for them to finish arguing. Even the two of us were trying not to laugh, but it wasn’t long before we joined Harry. I lightly kicked the ball towards Riley to see what she would do, but she just stood there with it at her feet. I looked over at Niall and smiled as he continued to laugh his adorable laugh as Riley scowled at Harry.

It was a bad idea to give Riley the ball though, because once she kicked it, I was hit in the face by the damn thing. It didn’t feel like a hard hit, but it hurt and was able to send my flying to the ground. “Oh my God, are you okay? I’m so sorry!” Riley apologized, running over to me. “Yeah I’m fine.”

I tried to stand up and walk it off, but I was a bit wobbly so Niall rushed over and helped me. As soon as his skin touched mine, I could feel the permanent butterflies that were in my stomach go nuts. “Maybe you should lie down, Payton.” Harry suggested. I nodded and happily allowed Niall to help me back inside and up to my room.

“I’ll be in my room okay?”

I wanted to ask him to stay and lie down with me, but I knew that I couldn’t do that. Not yet anyways. Not until I told him I loved him. I nodded and watched as he left. I was going to tell him how I felt right then and there, but maybe a nap would be good first.

I hadn’t even realized I had fallen asleep until I woke up to a loud noise. I checked the clock and it was still daytime. I could tell Niall how I felt still. I slowly got out of bed, ignoring the major headache I had, and made my way down the hall to Niall’s room. His door was open a crack and I heard giggling. I pushed the door open and saw Niall and Harry sitting on the bed talking.

“Niall, I have to tell you something.” I said, waling into the room. “So do I.” he replied. I felt a little hope and smiled. “You first then.” He urged on. I took a deep breath, walked closer and looked him in the eyes. Here goes nothing.

Wait, this wasn’t nothing. This was serious. It took every last ounce of courage I had to tell him. I even had to borrow some courage from Riley. So this was defiantly not nothing. I closed my eyes and told him.

“I’m in love with you.”

There. It was done. I could never take this back. Niall didn’t speak so I slowly opened my eyes to look at him. I wasn’t sure if I was expecting him to look happy or not, but I certainly wasn’t expecting the expression he had on his face. “Oh.” He whispered, looking at Harry. “What did you have to tell me?” I asked, trying not to look hurt by his reaction. Or, lack of one. He looked at me then over to Harry and took his hand before speaking.

“Harry and I are together. We’re dating.”

Wait what!? They’re gay!?

“We’ve been dating a few months now, and we’ve finally decided to tell everybody.” Harry blushed. “I love you Hazza.” Niall smiled. “I love you too Nialler.” Harry replied. The next thing I knew, the two of them were making out in front of me. 

I would die for you, but I won't live for you -Niall Horan auWhere stories live. Discover now