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"i'm never going to fit in here mom," y/n muttered. your family, the Silvermans, had just transferred from the states over to the U.K due to your father. he was dying from a heart condition and London offered the best treatment. your mother had suggested to use magic but your father had refused. magic terrified him and he didn't want to put his life on the line by depending on something he didn't believe in.

"y/n-" your mother began.

"don't give me the speech again," you interrupted. "i just want to finish shopping for school, the last thing i need is my robes."

"your dad is in that shop, go join him," your mother replied. you rolled your eyes and shuffled over to Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions to get your robes. you grabbed the door handle and walked inside to see your father talking to a tall, platinum long hair, silver eyed man. "did you get them?"

"yes y/n, it's in this sack right here," your dad said. "mr. malfoy this is my daughter y/n who also is a first year at hogwarts." you stuck out your hand to shake the tall man's hand.

"such polite manners," Lucius stated. "hopefully they'll rub off on my son over here." you glanced over to see a boy your age who had slicked back blonde hair. you reached out your hand to shake his hand but the boy turned you away. "draco!" the boy rolled his eyes and uncrossed his arms to offer his hand. this time you refused his hand shake with a smirk.

"well looks like these two will be getting along-" out of nowhere your father immediately grabbed his chest, wincing in pain. his breath became short as he collapsed to the ground. "y/n"

you couldn't move. you were frozen in fear as if every muscle, bone, tendon, and nerve had just stopped working.

"draco take her out of her now!" lucius yelled. draco grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the shop and into the alleyway. you tried to grasps for air but instead you wounded up wheezing due to shock.

"hey hey hey," draco whispered as he grabbed both of your hands. "look at me and breathe with me." you took a deep breath with draco and synchronized your breathing with his. he then pulled you into a hug and had his hand in your hair. "it's gonna be okay." that's when the tears started falling from your eyes. at this point, you didn't even care that you were crying in some random boy's arms, you just wanted to be held.

"where is he?" you mother exclaimed. you felt draco's hand leave your head and watched as he pointed to the shop. "thank you!" he then put his hand back in her hair. you lifted your head off of his chest and tried to look at him through the tears.

"how am i suppose to go school after this?" you mumbled through your sobs. draco once again removed his hand from your head and used it to start wiping the tears off of your face.

"you'll have me," draco replied. you raised your eyebrows in shock. you barley knew this kid and yet he keeps giving his support to you. you looked into his eyes and was able to see his face clearly.

"y/n," you heard your mother's voice. you whipped your head around and felt your heart drop to your feet. your mother didn't have to say anything but you knew. you knew your father just died.

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